Beginning with this post, I plan each week to share thoughts from sermons delivered at First Alliance Church where we attend.
This week Pastor Paul delivered the second lesson in his series on Colossians entitled “The Supremacy of Christ”. The BIG IDEA he builds upon is : “The gospel is the supremacy of Christ which absolutely changes everything.”
If you are interested you can listen at https://faclex.com/sermons/ . It is not my intention to critique or rehash his lessons (although I reserve that right) but to share thoughts and ideas that I found of interest as I listened and took notes.
This weeks lesson was “God’s Big Ideas for our lives” (Col 1: 9-14). As Pastor Paul emphasized the importance of keeping our eyes on Jesus, reminding us that the issue at Colossae was some were saying that Christ was not sufficient. That brought to mind an encounter many years ago with a publication whose tag line was “Christ + Nothing”. My first reaction was negative, largely due to the source of the publication and my biases and presuppositions. But when I began to ponder the idea, it became a significant turn in my spiritual journey. Wrestling with that idea is a worthy endeavor.
Pastor Paul later encouraged us to evaluate change in our lives as we move toward being more Christlike. He cautioned against expecting/demanding dramatic change but to think more in terms of improvement. That brought to mind the idea of approaching change as a 1 degree course change. If I can effect a permanent 1 degree change in my life, it will ultimately result in dramatic change. Ask any astronaut or ship’s captain what would happen if their calculations are wrong by 1 degree.
There was much valuable content in the lesson, but these are just two ideas that came to my mind.
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