I often wonder if I am an anomaly or just experiencing ordinary old man stuff. I think a lot, about a lot of different things. Sometimes my mind doesn’t seem to ever take a break. It is like a kaleidoscope, patterns and colors constantly changing. Maybe that’s why I blog, writing seems to at least change the scene. It is hard to discern what is normal. I’m pretty sure I’m not completely normal but whether I’m crazy is up for grabs.
I find some comfort in this quote: “Ignorance can be educated. Crazy can be medicated… But there is no cure for stupid.” There is hope. You can watch this video to get an idea what’s going on in my head.
By the way, here is a parable I’ve been thinking about.
A brother was restless in the community and often moved to anger. So he said: “I will go and live somewhere by myself. And since I shall be able to talk or listen to no one, I shall be tranquil, and my passionate anger will cease.” He went out and lived alone in a cave. But one day he filled his jug with water and put it on the ground. It happened suddenly to fall over. He filled it again, and again it fell. And this happened a third time. And in a rage he snatched up the jug and broke it. Returning to his right mind, he knew that the demon of anger had mocked him, and he said: “Here am I by myself, and he has beaten me. I will return to the community. Wherever you live, you need effort and patience and above all God’s help.” And he rose up, and went back. (parable via R Rohr)
I seem to have been reconnected to your blog post! I just got to read 2 of them with no imminent danger popups coming at me. However the post where you’ve trimmed your eyebrows still insists there is something wrong.
So I will just say here and now- Welcome back! And THANK YOU for trimming those brows! Don’t mess up a perfectly handsome face with such a foolish notion ever again!!!
We had crazy experiences at the Library today with a lot of angry and unbalanced people. It’s good to be home away from all those people! Now I just have to guard MY heart from letting it bother me so that I become unhinged! Lol!