Ommatrichophobia – Fear of Eyebrows
Our time in Florida’s has been exceptionally pleasant; sunny and warm weather, connections with friends and neighbors, good food, outdoor concerts, farmers market, entertaining movies, antique show, and beach time.
One special aspect of our annual Florida visits is the opportunity for time together as a couple. Although being retired naturally provides more together time, Florida time is different and a nice change of pace. However, this year we have encountered a new and unusual challenge which is the subject of this post: Ommatrichophobia – Fear of Eyebrows .
Ann and I have been married for 57 years and you would think there isn’t much we don’t know about one another.,but I have recently come to realize Ann suffers from Ommatrichophobia – fear of eyebrows. Do not brush this aside, phobias are serious.
Fear generated by phobias can produce physiological changes in the body, accelerating the breathing rate, heart rate, leading to blushing and increasing muscle tension causing “goose bumps”, sweating, increased alertness leading to sleep disturbance and “butterflies in the stomach”. Concerning as they are, it gets complicated when you realize they also symptoms of sexual arousal.
Ann’s condition, probably one she has suffered from quietly for many years, is not unheard of. In recent years, UK basketball star Anthony Davis, in a brilliant marketing ploy, trademarked “fear the Brow” preying on ommatrichophobia.

So you are probably wondering what precipitated Ann’s current ommatrichophobia episode. As best I can discern, it started when I decided to exercise my inalienable right as an old man to pursue happiness. Happiness, in this case being defined as the freedom from culturally imposed conventions, namely neatly trimmed eyebrows There is no need to provide further justification for my decision, but I will any way.

Besides Anthony Davis, numerous Famous personalities have sported bushy eyebrows. My favorite is John L. Lewis. He was a notoriously tough union leader. I have wondered if someone had trimmed his eyebrows, would he have become powerless like Samson? Could he have ever bullied and intimidated without them? I think not.

How could anyone possibly imagine Andy Rooney being an effective curmudgeon without his signature eyebrows?
Beyond selfish reasons, there are some natural factors involved. As men get older it is very common to find their eyebrows have suddenly taken on a new lease of life and grown wild, bushy and out of control The change in eyebrows is due to hormonal changes. For many their levels of testosterone remain at a good level or even continue to increase up to the age of around 70 and this can encourage vigorous hair growth particularly in areas that were perhaps not as robust in younger years – areas such as the nose, ears and eyebrows. I’m not sure about testosterone levels but I can attest to some robustness.
I am not unsympathetic to Ann.In fact, I have researched treatment options and have decided to initiate some exposure therapy (Exposure therapy involves exposing the target patient to the anxiety source or its context without the intention to cause any danger. Doing so is thought to help them overcome their anxiety or distress.) in hopes of resolving her ommatrichophobia. Basically, that involves continued growth of my eyebrows and regular, intense eye contact with Ann. I anticipate when my eyebrows achieve the stature of this gentleman, she will be cured.

Of course your your thoughts and prayers for Ann’s healing are welcome.
Enjoy your week.
For the love of God….trim the brows! ?
Did your mother ask you to comment?
I have just one word, Yuck!