I suspect that you, like me, have a lot of time on your hands. Life is dominated by Coronavirus. It may very well exceeded 9-11 in its overall impact. I am curious about your thoughts on the COVID-19 crisis. Later in the post there is a survey you can submit. The responses are anonymous and I will share the results with all of you.
Ann and I are fairing well. We are sheltering in place, which pretty much means self-quarantined. Limiting personal contact to family members and maintaining 6′ distance. Ann is getting up to speed with on-line shopping. I expect we will be doing some carry-out meals. I rescheduled my Tuesday doctor’s appointment until July. It is interesting how we are adapting and finding ways to get things done differently.
I am trying to use this time to get in the shop and do some projects on my to-do-list. Yard work in on the list when the weathers breaks. Of course, I’m writing blog posts and some personal correspondence. There are several books on my Kindle to be read. Afternoon naps are mandatory, but that is not new. Coffee meetings have been moved to facetime and I’ve found that to be a good experience.
Although the days are filling up, there is opportunity for spiritual reflection and introspection given all the various facets of this crisis. I’ve got a lot to think about and hope to take advantage of these circumstances.
- For most of our neighborhood sheltering in place is business as usual.
- There seems to be more people than I expected that do not consider COVID-19 to be a big a deal.
- A shelter in place order would have been a lot more fun 30 years ago.
- My delayed new year’s resolution is not to check our retirement account until 2021.
- It has been interesting to witness the consternation over cancelling church services. Good opportunity to reassess our theology.
- Dr. Timothy Tennet wrote An eloquent theological reflection today, You can read it HERE.
- I had a dream that the person who purchased 20 gallons of milk at Walmart March 10 got home and saw their expiration date was March 11, 2020.
- I have been surprised at the peace I have felt these past weeks. Thank You Jesus.
I thought it would be fun to share our opinions about Covoid-19. Completely voluntary and anonymous. To participate, click on the link below.
Opinion Survey on COVID-19 Pandemic
Parting Thought:
I wonder if growing up in faith, and having a grown up view of God, is similar to the coming and going of Nanny McPhee: “When you need me, but do not want me then I must stay. But when you want me but no longer need me, I have to go.”
Jim Gordon
Good stuff George. Thanks for sharing it.