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“The problem of God is more important than the problem of the church; but the latter often stands in the way of the former.”

Hans Kung

This is the first post in a series entitled THE CHURCH. It is my intention to share some thoughts as I rethink the subject of church. I have been prompted to write on the subject for several reasons.

Most recently Gallup data on church attendance was startling and generated predictable and appropriate response from pulpits across the country.

Additionally, the recent death of Hans Kung reminded me of his influence on me through his book “The Church”. You can read my post HERE. I am re-reading his book and finding it still relevant 40+ years later.

Third, is the pandemic experience and its impact on church attendance. For over a year we have not attended a church service in person. We have been faithfully “attending” church on-line. Actually our “attendance” has increased over the past year. as we joined more than one church on-line each Sunday, praising, praying and taking communion.

Thinking about that experience, I was reminded of a convicting question presented many years ago. A teacher, I don’t remember, asked, ” If by some supernatural event, the Holy Spirit was removed from your life, what difference would it make ?” …a question still worth pondering.
In the last year we experienced a supernatural event that removed church, as we know it, from our lives. The question I am pondering is: …what difference did it make?
The answer will differ for each person, but for me, the answer is troubling and curious… I do not perceive my faith has weakened…my prayer life has grown and deepened…I’m more aware of my sinfulness and God’s mercy and grace… I have engaged scripture and teaching that have challenged and changed me. Contrary to some people’s expectations, not going to church did not have the negative impact I would have expected.
I am not implying my positive experience over the last year was a result of not going to church, but apparently, not going to church did not impeded my spiritual growth. For that reason, I am re-examining my understanding of church. I have no idea to what end this will lead but you are welcome to walk with me.

Still on the journey


  1. Marilyn Elliott

    George I am also reconsidering what the church is. We’ve said for years, the church is not the building. Now we get to see if we believe that. When covid hit I asked, “what makes me a Christian?” If I don’t go to church or do churchy religious things, what makes me a Christian.It has to be inside. All inside. But I also know we need community. Our faith doesn’t really make sense aside from community.

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