Some may be pleased to learn that my heart has a been updated. Over the last month or so, I had been experiencing low heart rates. Additionally, there was lethargy, some cognition problems (brain fog), lack of motivation and generally feeling out of sorts. I am sure my disposition was affected also (check with Ann). In recent days the low heart rate became more consistent (low 30’s) and I was feeling worse. As a result, Monday Ann drove me to the ER and to make the story short, I received a pacemaker Tuesday.
As I write this post, I am awaiting discharge. The implant experience was a breeze and the results are pretty amazing thus far. I was able receive a micro lead-less pacemaker, the implant was minimally invasive and provides easier recovery. Three days rest, no heavy lifting for a week. Best of all my heart rate is normal and consistent. I am definitely feeling better overall and hopefully that will continue to improve.
Whether or not the low heart rate accounts for all my symptoms remains to be seen. I suspect some effects remain from my medical trauma last August. No matter what, I am grateful for the pacemaker and the immediate improvements. Indeed my aging heart has been updated.
Thanks be to God, for answered prayers. I am thankful for the many messages and well wishes.
Will Rogers had it right: “One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.”
Right now, it’s pretty splendid.
Splendid indeed!! Thanking the Lord!
Beautifully said, my friend.
No doubt, we all would do much better if we allowed our “hearts” to be updated on all levels – frequently. Giving thanks for you, your friendship, and your re-vitalization. “It’s not done! The best is yet to come.