Somewhere between overthinking and underthinking is responsible and responsive thinking.
Jim Gordon
Thinking about … observations from trusted sources about my posts, particularly related to their length, I have decided revise “So Much To Think About” to “A Few Thoughts”. Hopefully they will land between overthinking and underthinking.
Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.
A Japanese Proverb
The Christian Life
The Christian life is not an accessory to the life you already have, but a radical transformation of life itself. Anything less is religion,not faith…
Phoenix Preacher
Speaking to others
We must receive all words of God tenderly and subtly, so that we can speak them to others with tenderness and subtlety. I would even say that anything said with too much bravado, over-assurance, or with any need to control or impress another, is never the voice of God within us. If any thought feels too harsh, shaming, or diminishing of ourselves or others, it is not likely the voice of God.
If a voice comes from accusation and leads to accusation, it is quite simply the voice of the “Accuser,” which is the literal meaning of the biblical word “Satan.” Shaming, accusing, or blaming is simply not how God talks, but sadly, it is too often how?we?talk—to ourselves and to one another.
Richard Rohr
“…wherever and whenever humans do life—and seek transcendence—together, it is both terrible and beautiful.”
James Baldwin
“…a common element within human experience can be suggested by the word “transcendent.” It is an experience of beauty, of goodness, of wonder, that goes beyond itself. It demands poetry and art, songs and symbols.”
Fr Stephen Freeman
William James described transcendent experience: — a sense of reality— a feeling of objective presence— a perception of something there.
a transcendent experience.
George Ezell 10-22-24
Glorious day, warm breezes, colorful leaves, bright sunshine.
Cemetery, mowed and manicured,
Glistening monuments mute death’s specter.
Fresh grave, beautiful flowers.
Wonder of life and death.
Chance encounter.
Graveside reconciliation.
Lovers rendezvous
Thanks for this day, a day of my life.
And wonders.1 Denise Levertov
- 1Denise Levertov
“any thought feels too harsh, shaming, or diminishing of ourselves or others, it is not likely the voice of God.”
This is true!
Life and death. Together it is a marvel