In the course of writing several posts on the subjects of disenchantment and enchantment, I have necessarily given some thought to my own life. I have concluded that I live an enchanted life. Consider the following:
- When I get up each morning a steaming cup of coffee appears at my side.
- Mysteriously, our bed is made up every morning, with the sheets perfectly tucked and pillows flawlessly arranged.
- I never run out of toothpaste.
- I never run out of toilet paper.
- Dirty clothes magically disappear, only to reappear neatly folded (underware) or hung in their proper place.
- Dust and debris disappear without explanation.
- Each day I find the window blinds raised.
- The refrigerator and cupboard never seem to be wanting.
- The cats are fed without fail.
- My prescriptions get refilled without prompting.
- Our vehicles are never left unlocked.
- Misplaced articles magically appear in their proper place.
- Unnecessary lights inexplicably turn off.
- Family/friends birthday cards appear for my signature.
- Somehow, meals appear most days at 5:00pm.
- I never run out of cheerios.
- Fingerprints on the storm door always temporary.
- Our bed always has the proper amount of cover.
- My distilled water never runs out.
- Best of all, bruises, cuts, wounded feelings and unspoken needs are always treated with just the right medicine.
Indeed my life is enchanted. And to that I say:
Not me. I’ve got the fantastic ANN WATSON EZELL.
Happy 77th Birthday !

You are indeed BLESSED!!
Happy Birthday to Ann!!?????
Love it! Great tribute!
Happy birthday to the beautiful Ms Ann. You are a lucky man indeed!!
That is probably the sweetest thing I have ever read and about one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met! Happy Birthday Ann Watson Ezell! I love you too!???
Sweet post, George. You are both blessed!