I anticipate this post to be the first of several on the subject of Christian values. The subject, Christian values, has been on my “to blog subjects” for the last few months. My interest has been tweaked as of late by the Coronavirus pandemic and the varied responses of Christian churches and individual Christians. It appears to me, based on the wide range of responses, there is a significant diversity with regard to Christian values. The continuum of responses to orders to discontinue worship service meetings and practice social distancing, range from outright defiance to agreement and cooperation; all of which I presume to be based on Christian values. It seems there is some cognitive dissonance, on Christian values among Christians. when it comes to pandemics.
Understanding and applying Christian values is not just a current problem, I would suggest it has been a struggle for every serious Christian for the past two thousand years. However, the character of the struggle has evolved over the centuries, particularly for western Christianity. The advent of a secular age, led by the enlightenment produced profound cultural shifts; not the least of which included, relativism, rationalism, individualism which dismantled our ancestors values, direction, purpose, significance and meaning. It is my premise that, cut loose from those anchors of an enchanted world, we have found new anchors upon which establish we our (Christian) values. As a result, I have lost confidence in the mantra “Christian Values”.
My personal objective is to better understand spiritual values grounded in a relationship with God through faith in Christ. I do not see this as a discrete project, but an opportunity for continued self-examination, repentance and realignment, extending through the course of my journey. Facing the prospect of values I hold dear and guide my life and decisions being misguided, is not a pleasant idea.
In the short run, I plan to share some questions and insights I have and will encounter in future posts. Once again, this subject is above my pay grade. I know there are readers with better understanding and knowledge. Feel free to help. I’d be glad to provide for guest posts.
The challenge of Christian Values
The good ole days. I sometimes long for the those days when Christian values were clear concise and unequivocal.
“Don’t Smoke, Drink, Dance, and Chew or Date Girls Who Do.”
Well, at least I didn’t chew and never dated a girl who did.
I was very struck by a list values I came across. It might be good exercise to eliminate any non-Christian values and then print a out a card to carry with you and remind you of the values you should hold firmly.

These make “Don’t Smoke, Drink, Dance, and Chew or Date Girls Who Do.” an attractive option.
Back in December, two articles prompted me to think more about Christian Values:
The first was in Christianity Today written by editor Mark Galli entitled “Trump Should Be Removed from Office” His argument was based on Trump’s “grossly immoral behavior”. “That he should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments.”
The second article written by Jentenze Franklin entitled “Why I still stand by 45” was also an argument based on Christian Values.
“If you have the courage, you stand with the leader who stands for the very things you would hope a president would stand for—the sanctity of life, religious freedom for private citizens and business owners, conservative federal judges, standing with the nation of Israel, and a better tomorrow for those living in poverty, especially in our largest cities—the very values and policies you pray to God your president will push forward and stand on. And he has stood up for every single one. Those ARE Christian values. …
Is your disdain for the man greater than the policies and values that matter most to our faith? “
See what I mean by cognitive dissonance? At a minimum those articles illustrate a need for clarity regarding Christian values. Of course, the problem is, both wrote from unambiguous understandings. Similarly, each of us believe our political, moral positions and religious are anchored in Christian values. For that reason, we all need to examine our “Christian Values”.
Imagine how the cultural landscape would change if Christians were clear and united in their values. Sadly, the world is confused about “Christian Values” because we are.
…given the view Christians have of culture–it’s about godless ideas and values–the way to change the culture is to 1) create a populist revolution focused on values, or 2) get Christians into positions of political power so that Christian values can become the law of the land.
James Davison Hunter http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0199730806/deyorestandre-20
But all this, according to Hunter, is based upon a flawed view of culture and, as a consequence, these Christian efforts “to change the world” have had both ironic and tragic consequences.