We are on our way to Florida. This trip is different in a couple of ways. We have traveled to Florida in the winter for almost two decades. In previous years our stays ranged from two weeks in the early years to 10 weeks last year. This year we will be there for three full months. We also altered our travel plans. Until last year, we drove 12 hours the first day and had a short second day, last year because of age and health concerns we spent two nights on the road, giving us three days of 5-6 hour driving. We found that to be a pleasant experience and decided to make that our usual plan.
Previously our route was mostly Interstate 75, notorious for heavy traffic, accidents and most notably, dreaded Atlanta. With the pressure off to make the trip in two days and encouragement from friends, we decided to go “off road” on this trip. “Off road” meaning avoiding Interstate 75. Using a route provided by our friend roger, we traversed Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia, with some brief exceptions, on non-interstate highways.
I found driving to be much less stressful, even enjoyable. Traffic volume was very light, except for cities, which are mostly small. The picture above is from south Georgia and was typical of a lot of rural highways. As we drove along, I began to realize how much of a metaphor traveling interstate highways is for my life. It is my intention to write about that in future posts. There was opportunity to observe and think. One particular observation and thought will conclude in this post.

I noticed a ubiquitous sign along the way. Ahead of every bridge there was a “bridge ices before road” sign. That was not unusual but as they continued to appear it became a bit irritating. What the heck? Do they think we are stupid? OK, so there are people who are new drivers, or, they have never had cold enough wether for icy roads. Then I remembered occasions when I failed to remember that bridges freeze before the roads, so the signs have a legitimate purpose. Someone in DOT understands human nature. We humans have a memory problem. It is not a bug in the system but a feature. For reasons I do not understand it is necessary to be constantly reminded of things we already know but forget, i.e. bridges ice before roads. In thinking about bridges icing, it occurs to me that there are many other, much more important things we need to be reminded of on a consistent basis.
I am creating signs to place on the roadside of my daily travels. I encourage you think about things that you know but have forgotten in the rush of life and create your own sign.

This is my first sign I’m placing on the roadside of my journey. Often forgotten it is one I need to see continually.
What is a sign you need to place on the road of your daily travels ? Feel free to share in the comments.
Still on the journey
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Sometimes it’s not a fart.
You don’t have to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm
You don’t have to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm
Don’t apply today’s knowledge to yesterday’s decisions.
It’s okay to be wrong and to not have it all figured out.