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Category: Notes Anthology

So Much to Think About

Past Week:
New Cases
Record high:
1,721,973 Jan 3–Jan 9, 2021

New Deaths
Record high:
23,726 Jan 10–Jan 16, 2021
per John Hopkins

Peter Kuzmic, a noted theologian from Croatia, is believed to have said, “Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future. Faith is having the courage to dance to it today.”
via JD Walt

firmly believe that institutions and individuals are more responsive to internal critique than external criticism, no matter how thoughtful or eloquent. 

Or, to put it another way, while thoughtful external criticism has its uses, at the end of the day, only the church can reform the church, only the right can reform the right, and only the left can reform the left. In fact, in a hyperpolarized time, critique of the right from the left (or the left from the right) often only serves to empower its targets. 
David French

When you start mocking instead of persuading, you signal that you now view someone as an enemy to be defeated, rather than a person to be persuaded…the key to all sin against another is to first dehumanize them…then label them…you have to convince yourself that the other no longer possesses the image of God and God wants them gone as well…we’re all getting too good at this…
Phoenix Preacher

It is all about winning
At this point, at least in the United States, it appears that our cultural meaning has pretty much shrunk down to this: It is all about winning. Then, once we win, it becomes all about consuming. I can discern no other underlying philosophy in the practical order of American life today. Of itself, such a worldview cannot feed the soul very well or very long, much less provide meaning and encouragement, or engender love or community.
Richard Rohr

Despite all the contrary rhetoric, contemporary Americans are not highly individualized: we are tribal, in the extreme. It is the group, however constructed, that gives identity, for the identity that is sought is one that covers us, that hides our vulnerability and gives us the safety of those who agree. A tell-tale sign of this dynamic is found in our culture’s anger. Anger is largely driven by shame and we can affirm our tribal protection only by shouting at the outsider. Everything outside the group threatens to unmask us. To an increasing extent, the group to which we belong is that set of people who share our anger.
Fr Stephen Freeman

Proud of America
A false narrative popular today states that Republicans are extremely proud of America and don’t see any faults, while Democrats are embarrassed by America and only see faults. Surveys show this is a gross overstatement. A majority of Democrats are still proud to be American, and majorities in both parties say that some things about America make them ashamed.
By and large, Democrats and Republicans are proud to be Americans, yet they are not blind to the country’s faults.
Allsides Blog.

Love is a paradox
It often involves making a clear decision; but at its heart, it is not a matter of mind or willpower but a flow of energy willingly allowed and exchanged, without requiring payment in return. Divine love is, of course, the template and model for such human love, and yet human love is the necessary school for any encounter with divine love. If we’ve never experienced human love—to the point of sacrifice and forgiveness and generosity—it will be very hard for us to access, imagine, or even experience God’s kind of love. Conversely, if we have never let God love us in the deep and subtle ways that God does, we will not know how to love another human in the deepest ways of which we are capable.
Richard Rohr

Til death do us part…
I have had the pleasure of presiding at many weddings over the years. Three different times, as I prepared the couple to exchange their vows, the groom actually fainted and fell to the ground. But I have never seen the bride faint. To the well-protected and boundaried male ego, there are few greater threats than the words “till death do us part.” 
Richard Rohr

Lean in to painful honesty
We’ve all been in that situation where we want to say something that’s important but there’s also a good chance that we’ll upset someone if we say it. There’s that uncomfortable tension inside us as we go back and forth on whether we should say it or not.
Create a new rule for yourself: if there’s something uncomfortable that you believe is important to say, just say it. Don’t think about it. Just trust that in the long run, more times than not, you’ll be happy that you said it. In fact, chances are, in the long run, other people will be glad you said it.
Mark Manson

Nice Teachers
Some new research looks at how friendly teachers were with their students and compared that to the students’ academic performance in later years. What’s important to note here is that the researchers didn’t look at academic performance in the teacher’s class itself because—surprise, surprise—friendly teachers tend to give higher grades for shittier work. Instead, the researchers focused on how the students did the following academic years. 
Allow me to spoil the pool party and say that, basically, the nicer the teachers, the worse off the students were in the following years. Now, I’m not suggesting that we bring back corporal punishment or hire drill sergeants to teach multiplication tables. But once again, we find that the most important things in life (in this case, being highly educated and understanding a subject) require some unpleasant experiences. 
Mark Manson

The spirit of the age
The spirit of the age declares that if you get the “big” things correct (your political ideology, your complementarian or egalitarian theology) then cruelty and self-righteousness in the pursuit of those goals are either minor flaws (“bad manners”) or outright virtues (after all, didn’t Jesus drive the money-changers from the temple with a whip?)
David French

Listening to vinyl
…listening to music on vinyl is more like sitting down to a nice relaxed meal and listening to music using a streaming service is like fast food in your car while your driving somewhere you don’t really want to go.
Matt Redmond

View from the front porch
Enjoying my return to the front porch, some pondering peaked my curiosity. I am greatly encouraged about the pandemic. Vaccines are having a positive effect on infections and deaths and restrictions are being reduced. Hoping to get my second vaccination next week. From my perspective, one of the most positive things that could be done to end the pandemic is to encourage people to be vaccinated. Thinking about that, I am disappointed and curious that churches have been mostly silent about encouraging members to get vaccinated. Churches are anxious to return to normal gatherings, why wouldn’t they push hard for vaccinations? Hmmmm? Just asking for a friend.


Still working on my funeral playlist. Not sure the crowd can be replicated at the funeral but…

So Much to Think About

I am encouraged regarding the pandemic. We have gotten our first vaccine shot and are anticipating a gradual return to normal activities. Thankfully our return from Florida as been met with good weather. Hello Spring!

The eccentric kingdom of God
Richard Beck says,
“The eccentric Kingdom doesn’t claim territory over against the world. The eccentric Kingdom doesn’t erect walls to create a gated community… The eccentric Kingdom is the embedded, pilgrim, landless, possessionless, homeless, sojourning, itinerant missionary community called and commissioned to live lives of radical service and availability to the world.”

The church
“The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state. It must be the guide and the critic of the state, and never its tool.”
Martin Luther King, Jr

My mom and dad both had terrible singing voices, but I would give anything to stand beside them in church and hear them again. We are a culture fixated on “pretty” which is fleeting and plastic and slick and fades with the seasonal fads. We miss what is beautiful because we have been conditioned to “pretty.” And we need to be aware of this and that is why I Love Bob Dylan. His voice is not pretty but man is it beautiful when he sings,
I was born here and I’ll die here against my will
I know it looks like I’m moving, but I’m standing still
Every nerve in my body is so vacant and numb
I can’t even remember what it was I came here to get away from
Don’t even hear a murmur of a prayer
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there

Matt Redmond

Good things
When we turn good things into ultimate things, when we make them our greatest consolations and loves, they will necessarily disappoint us bitterly. “Thou hast made us for thyself,” Augustine said in his most famous sentence, “and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee.” The 18th-century hymn writer John Newton depicted God as saying to the human soul, “These inward trials I employ from pride and self to set thee free, and break thy schemes of earthly joy that thou would find thine all in me.”
Timothy Keller
The above quote from Keller is from his article “Growing My Faith in the Face of Death. It is a worthy read.

Hot Take
Simon Maloy of The New Republic offers one definition of a hot take as “a piece of deliberately provocative commentary that is based almost entirely on shallow moralizing.” That’s not bad, but I think there are other forms of hot takes, and myriad other forms of takes more broadly. By a “hot take,” I don’t simply mean an unconventional or surprising opinion. Rather, I mean a style of commentary that parasitically feeds off someone else’s argument or work almost instantly.
Jonah Goldberg

We need to embrace our dependence. We are creatures and not gods. And yet we cannot depend upon each other, not fully or completely. We are too needy to be sturdy platforms. Too prone to using each other for our own purposes and projects. Dependence is only safe with God, in the gift that requires no return. Grace is our only path toward sanity and joy.
Richard Beck

The Gospel
For the gospel is a a two-edged sword. Where it is proclaimed and heard, and not believed, it is a savor of death. It destroys the words by which men seek to make their leap into darkness tolerable. If what it gives in their place is rejected, man has nothing. Western civilization is the civilization which has heard and not believed–and now faces nothingness. 
Robert Jensen

Idolatry Is Always Polytheism
Once man has lost the fundamental orientation which unifies his existence, he breaks down into the multiplicity of his desires; in refusing to await the time of promise, his life story disintegrates into a myriad of unconnected instants. Idolatry, then, is always polytheism, an aimless passing from one lord to another. Idolatry does not offer a journey but rather a plethora of paths leading nowhere and forming a vast labyrinth.
–Pope Francis

Calculating a tragedy 
Josef Stalin once observed that, “The death of one is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic.” While dark and cynical, Stalin’s observation about human nature is fundamentally true. We attach meaning to narratives. The more people involved, the more abstract and difficult to relate to that narrative becomes, thus inviting doubt, disbelief, and a strange indifference. 
Stalin would use this quirk of human nature to his advantage during his reign of terror. Today, it just kind of explains why people lose their collective minds over a public shooting or a terrorist attack that kills a few, but their eyes glaze over and hit the back button when confronted with statistics of hundreds of thousands (or millions) killed by an invisible virus. 
Mark Manson

…because there is no shared moral framework in these national conversations, they end up not being conversations at all, with pros and cons evaluated based on a shared moral framework. Rather, they end up as staged shouting matches where we just yell at one another. [Aladastar] MacIntrye called this descent of ethics into shouting in the twenty-first century Western world “emotivism.” He described emotivism as the point you reach when “all morals are nothing but expressions of [personal] preference” or “expressions of attitudes or feelings.”
via Timothy Tennant

Conspiracy Mindset
The conspiracy theory is often the symptom of an underlying disease—a disease of hate or fear that robs a person of joy. The fierce anger and furious purpose of the conspiracy mindset is a hollow replacement for the peace and faith found not just in truth, but in truth communicated by a loving and empathetic family and friends. 
David French

Do we care enough about our angry relatives that we’re willing to love them back to spiritual health?
David French

View from the Front Porch
The front porch is now open. Looking forward to friends and conversation. Drop by any time.


Still working on my funeral playlist. I like this one but I’m not it sure it will make the cut.

So Much to Think About

the bifurcation of attention
“the bifurcation of attention.” It goes like this. 
The 30-minute sitcom television show is dying. Meanwhile, 45-second Instagram videos and seven seasons of Game of Thrones are thriving.
The classic dramatic film is dying. Meanwhile, Youtube videos and the eighteen thousand sequels of the Marvel Universe are thriving.
Classic magazines and newspapers are dying. Meanwhile, Twitter and non-fiction books are thriving.
Taylor Pearson 

There is a vast gulf between believing in good things and doing good things. One is easy. The other is really, really hard. 
David French

Converted Life
The life-converting experience is not the discovery that I have choices to make that determine the way I live out my existence, but the awareness that my existence itself is not in the center. Once I “know” God, that is, once I experience God’s love as the love in which all my human experiences are anchored, I can desire only one thing: to be in that love.
Henri Nouwen 

…the necessary posture of persuasion is one of deep humility. We can take little credit for our virtues. We’re often imprisoned by vices we can barely comprehend.
True persuasion is much more challenging than winning a debate. Sweeping away a falsehood is of little use unless you can replace the lie with a meaningful and empowering truth. You cannot yank a person from their community and then leave them homeless. Do not pretend we can replace something—no matter how malignant—with nothing.
David French

The PhD
Suppose a superstar of knowledge moves into your house as a boarder. With three PhDs after his name, he sits at your supper table each evening dispensing information about nuclear physics, cyberspace, and psychoneuroimmunology, giving ultimate answers to every question you ask. He doesn’t lead you through his thinking process, however, or even involve you in it; he simply states the conclusions he has reached.
We might find his conclusions interesting and even helpful, but the way he relates to us will not set us free, empower us, or make us feel good about ourselves. His wisdom will not liberate us, it will not invite us to growth and life; indeed, it will in the end make us feel inferior and dependent. That’s exactly how we have treated Jesus. We have treated him like a person with three PhDs coming to tell us his conclusions.
Richard Rohr

True joy
know that true joy comes from letting God love me the way God wants, whether it is through illness or health, failure or success, poverty or wealth, rejection or praise. It is hard for me to say, “I shall gratefully accept everything, Lord, that pleases you. Let your will be done.” But I know that when I truly believe my Father is pure love, it will become increasingly possible to say these words from the heart.
Henri Nowen

Being a truth teller
If your role in another person’s life is (as you see it) the “teller of hard truths,” then you’re at an immense disadvantage when contending for a family member’s heart with the people who share the same lie, but also love them, accept them, and give them a sense of shared purpose. 
You? You just make them feel bad.

“When everyone around us is right, we deserve little credit for conforming. When everyone around us is wrong, we’re also likely to fail.” 
David French

Epitaph for Modernity: I came, I shopped, I died.
Fr Stephen Freeman

Social Media & Polarization
Jonathan Haidt and Tobias Rose-Stockwell’s 2019 article that presented various reasons social media leads to polarization. They identified a Pew study showing Facebook posts with “indignant disagreement” received twice as much engagement as other kinds of posts. They specifically pointed out the dangers of Facebook’s algorithm based on engagement, which can keep any kind of post near the top of the News Feed regardless of its divisiveness or truthfulness.

A Christian culture that puts all the stress on belief, which cannot be seen, and has very little expectation of change in Christ-likeness this side of heaven, will inevitably create lots of Ravi Zachariases.
Matt Redmond

Let me keep my distance, always, from those
  who think they have the answers.

Let me keep company always with those who say
   “Look!” and laugh in astonishment,
   and bow their heads.   
Mary Oliver

The true purpose of all spiritual disciplines is to clear away whatever may block our awareness of that which is God in us. . . . 
Howard Thurman

View from the lanai
Most likely this will be my last post before we return to Wilmore. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to enjoy Florida in the winter. This is the 18th year we have spent extended time in Florida during January and February. The severe winter at home this year has made it even more of a blessing.
We are scheduled to receive our covid vaccination next Thursday. Hopefully, that will begin a move toward more personal interactions. We will proceed with caution.
I am looking forward to getting home and opening the front porch. I expect 2021 to be a year of renewal and adventure.

Listen of the Week
I am putting together a playlist for my funeral. (Not expecting it to be needed soon, just thinking ahead.) Of course, the list is headed up with “Sweet Home Alabama” and, at this point, this song is next up:

Still on the Journey

So Much to Think About

It is a Reformational principle that the law cannot change the heart…but imposing the law makes us feel powerful, while living the Gospel is dying to self…
Phoenix Preacher

Where is joy?
The questions have assailed the mind and troubled the spirit; the answer is not in the earthquake of argument, or the wind of aggressive enquiry, or in the fire of logic energised by reason – but in the still small voice that can only be heard during a night walk in snowlight. Assailing questions remain with not a single answer found – but
walking out now
into the silence and the light
under the trees,
and through the fields,
feels like one.       
Jim Gordon

Once you are a follower of Jesus, being a sinner is not a very good excuse for bad behavior.
Matt Redmond

…conservatives are supposed to be the ones marshaling arguments against the idea that everything is permitted and that feelings trump facts. Instead, they’re growing content with casting themselves in a cautionary tale about the perils of phlebotinum poisoning.
Jonah Goldberg
(In science fiction writing, phlebotinum is shorthand for any “impossible or imaginary device which is used to move forward the plot of a TV show, book or film, especially in science fiction and fantasy.”)

Arguments now are about the marshaling of passions to will into existence what we want to be true, not to reveal what is true.
Jonah Goldberg

Trust in the Lord
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding” [Proverbs 3:5]. For the first time, it dawned on me: there’s a difference between doubting God and doubting my understanding of God, just as there’s a difference between trusting God and trusting my understanding of God. Would I be able to doubt my understanding of God while simultaneously trusting God beyond my understanding? In a strange way, that question for the first time in my life allowed me to see God as a mystery distinct from my concepts of God. 
Brian McLearn

Leading as Christians
Until professed Christians decide they’re going to lead with gentleness and not contempt, until they choose to actually read the Gospels and allow them to soften their hearts, and until they can find a faith that doesn’t require military-grade backup—they will continue to weaponize religion into something that doesn’t resemble Jesus and use it to wound other people.
John   Pavlovitz

We need kind people
It seems like kind people are an endangered species.
I don’t know whether they’ve gone or they’ve just gone silent, but the net result is that we have too many wounds and not enough healers. Our demand is far exceeding our supply right now.
Or maybe they’re still here and just being drowned out by the clanging bombast of a cruelty that demands and so easily gets our attention, and we just need to help people notice them again.  
All I know is that we need kind people—now.
John Pavlovitz

An epiphany is a revelation. Often, it is not exactly new, but finally “seeing” what you have been looking at for so long. Epiphanies come when by some mysterious shift we cease to look “at” something and begin to see “into” it. The “eyes of our hearts are enlightened.” Epiphanies happen when observation gives way to flashes of insight. The edges of our faith so easily become flattened by the warp and woof of life, by traumatic disappointments on the one hand, and on the other by thousand mile stretches of endless monotonous flat highways across the great “plains” of life (sorry Kansas!). 
J D Walt

View from the Lanai
Sometimes I wonder… when in conversation, I consistently reference beautiful weather, beach time; repeatedly expressing sorrow that they aren’t here to enjoy it with me …are relationships being strengthened?

It gives me pause for thought about how I handle blessings I enjoy. Do I share them in a way that portrays them as gracious gifts or as rewards for my diligence and righteousness ?
Every good and perfect gift is from above….James 1:17


It’s two in the morning
And I’m still awake in my bed
And I can’t shake these lies that keep reading
Around in my he-head
What if I saw me, the way that You see me?
What if I believed it was true?
What if I traded, this shame and self-hatred?
For a chance at believing You
That You knit me together
In my mother’s womb
And You say that I’ve never been
Hidden from You
And You say that I’m wonderfully
Wo-onderfully made
You search me and know me
You know when I sit, when I rise
So You must know the choices I’ve, made
And the pain that I hi-hide
What if I saw me, the way that You see me?
What if I believed it was true?
What if I traded, this shame and self-hatred?
For a chance at believing You
‘Cause You knit me together
In my mother’s womb
And You say that I’ve never been
Hidden from You
And You say that I’m wonderfully
Wo-onderfully made
And Your eyes, they have seen me
Before I was born
And You know all the good things
That You made me for
And I’m wonderfully
Wo-onderfully made
Oo-oo, oo-ooh
Oo-oo, oo-ooh
When I consider; the Heavens above
Ohhh what is man, that You’re mindful of us
‘Til You say that we’re wonderfully
Wo-onderfully made
And You promise that You’ll never
Leave me, oh Lord
Oh that You hem me in, both behind and before
And I’m wonderfully
Wo-onderfully made
And You knit me together
In my mother’s womb
And You say that I’ve never been
Hidden from You
And You say that I’m wonderfully
Wo-onderfully made
And Your eyes, they have seen me
Before I was born
And You know all the good things
That You made me for
And I’m wonderfully
Wo-onderfully made
Wonderfully made …
Help me believe it
Help me to see me
Just like You see me
Just like You made me
Wonderfully ma-ade
Yay-ay-ayy, ay-ayy
Oo-oo, oo-ooh
Help me believe it
Help me to see me
Just like You see me
Just like You made me
Wonderfully ma-ade
Yay-ay-ay …

So Much to Think About

Be assured that my words are not false; one who has perfect knowledge is with you. Job 36:4 

Good News
Final words written by Michael Spencer
The are a lot of different kinds of Good News, but there is little good news in “My argument scored more points than you argument.” But the news that “Christ is risen!” really is Good News for one kind of person: The person who is dying.
If Christianity is not a dying word to dying men, it is not the message of the Bible that gives hope now.

Taking a Photograph
Taking a photograph is a way of disciplining the way we look on the world;
a moment of intentional appreciation;
an acknowledgement of our connectedness to that which is not us;
a knowing smile as we recognise the signature of the Creator;
a gentle defiance of a culture that thrives on noise, possession and the enthroned ego;
an aide memoire of an encounter that has nourished, provoked and summoned us;
an act of trust in the worthwhileness of the ordinary, the daily and the routine;
a form of prayer which merges the contemplative, the active and the imaginative.

Introversion – along with its cousins sensitivity, seriousness, and shyness – is now a second-class personality trait, somewhere between a disappointment and a pathology. Introverts living in the Extrovert Ideal are like women in a man’s world, discounted because of a trait that goes to the core of who they are. Extroversion is an enormously appealing personality style, but we’ve turned it into an oppressive standard to which most of us feel we must conform.”
Susan Cain 

Deafened Christianity
Perhaps the most deadening aspect of our Christianity . . . is that we live it with twenty-twenty hindsight. We know the story. We know how the plot comes out. We know who the winners are. . . . The Bible contains the complete and divinely authorized biography of Jesus and furnishes the complete guide to what [we] should do to become his disciple. Everything needed for [our] personal salvation is right there. . . .
When we approach the [Jesus] story with the attitude, “I’ve heard that already, I know what that means,” we fall asleep rather than allowing ourselves to be shocked awake. . . . For all such spiritual sleepwalking bypasses that crucial first step, that moment when the heart has to find its way not though external conditioning but through a raw immediacy of presence. Only there—in “the cave of the heart,” as the mystics are fond of calling it—does a person come in contact with his or her own direct knowingness. And only out of this direct knowingness is sovereignty born, one’s own inner authority.
Richard Rohr

Therapy Matters
…there’s more to life than mere stewardship, there is the abundant life found only in God. Beyond the therapeutic there is the grace and Life available to you in God. Sin isn’t just not taking proper care of yourself, sin is also turning away from the grace available to you in Christ through faith, hope, and love.
Therapy matters. And so does God.
Richard Beck

Conversations on the blog are far less explosive. In the world of social media, a blog can be like a quiet meeting in a lecture hall, or seminar room, with questions, answers, and comments largely measured with self-control and thoughtfulness. Facebook is often like a shouting match in the town square.
Fr. Stephen Freeman

The love of truth is similar (and related) to the love of beauty. The truth is not found through suspicion, anger, hearsay, or such things. The truth ultimately is a gift from God and strengthens the heart. It is better, when we cannot arrive at the truth because of suspicion or such, to say, “I don’t know,” than to grasp at things we suspect or imagine.
The origin of conspiracy theories begins in a heart that cannot bear the shame of its own ignorance.
Fr Stephen Freeman

Clarissa Pinkola Estés writes:
Stories set the inner life into motion, and this is particularly important where the inner life is frightened, wedged, or cornered. Story greases the hoists and pulleys, it causes adrenaline to surge, shows us the way out, down, or up, and for our trouble, cuts for us fine wide doors in previously blank walls, openings that lead to the dreamland, that lead to love and learning, that lead us back to our own real lives . . .  

Belief echoes
I find that exposure to a piece of negative political information persists in shaping attitudes even after the information has been successfully discredited. A correction—even when it is fully believed—does not eliminate the effects of misinformation on attitudes. These lingering attitudinal effects, which I call “belief echoes,” are created even when the misinformation is corrected immediately, arguably the gold standard of journalistic fact-checking.

Lives without substance
Our lives, for all of their angst, are often without substance. And for all that, we still do not weep and repent. The passions never give substance to our lives. They are like parasites on the soul, giving rise to a false self. They do not give us peace. We cannot rest in them. They contain no beauty and never satisfy us. Oftentimes, they simply leave us empty, even when the object of our passions is obtained. None of the passions represents true eros, true desire. The soul desires beauty, truth, and goodness (all of which find their utter and complete fulfillment in God Himself).
Fr Stephen Freeman

a recipe for gladness
 a recipe for gladness, especially when we don’t feel like it. We are glad God loves us and sees how hard life sometimes is; we are glad because all around us, if we look for it, is the beauty and fruitfulness of God’s creation; we are glad because, in a world as broken as ours, we affirm as a resurrection people who worship the God of Hope, the Lord reigns; we are glad because today, we are alive, this day is God’s gift, and God has work for us to do.
Jim Gordon

Admonitions for the immediate
Be an ordinary person, one of the human race.
Be polite with everyone, first of all, family members.
Be faithful in little things.
Do your work, then forget it.
Be simple, hidden, quiet, and small.
Think and talk about things no more than necessary.
Flee imagination, fantasy, analysis, figuring things out.
Don’t try to convince anyone of anything.
Have no expectations except to be fiercely tempted to your last breath.
Fr Thomas Hopko


Still on the Journey