Until I watched CBS Evening News tonight, I had no understanding of the tragic consequences of mortgage foreclosures. They featured a Florida family with a mother and two teen aged daughters. The way it was billed, I was expecting a pretty dire situation, but I wasn’t prepared for what I saw and heard. It was awful. I was stunned. One daughter, a pretty, articulate young woman, because of the family finances, had to find a job and contribute to family expenses. Can you imagine such a thing?
“How is it, realizing that you need your 16-year-old daughter to help pay the bills?” The mother was asked.
“It’s hurtful, it’s devastating, it’s humbling,” she said.
I think the story reflects a positive side of their difficult circumstances. But I guess I wouldn’t have bothered to watch the segment if I had realized it wasn’t bad news.
You can read the entire piece HERE.
For a number of different reasons, questions about the sovereignty of God have come up lately. Has God got a plan (detailed) for my life and is my purpose to figure it out? Does everything happen for a purpose?, are a couple of examples. I have purchased Greg Boyd’s God of the Possible. Ann and I are going to read through it together. I am somewhat familar with the concept of open theism and hopefully we will get a clearer understanding of a soverign God and how we relate to him as we read God of the Possible.
Spirituality is a word thrown around a lot. When I say spirituality, what I mean is Christian spirituality. I believe these quotes from Dissident Discipleship define well Christian spirituality.
…Christian spirituality is truly Christian only when we are seeing through Christ who God is and seeing in Christ who we are.
Spirituality cannot be found at the end of a search for self-fulfillment. Spirituality does not lie at the end of a drive for gratified greed. Spirituality does not associate itself with the life long quest for power and dominance.
I have taken a brief hiatus from house painting to start a new project. I’m working on a semi-loft bed for Blake and Grayson. Utilizing their current bunk beds I’m building desks which will be platforms to set the upper bed on. The lower bed will fit underneath and between the two desks at right angle to the upper bed. I’ll add some bells and whistles. It should be pretty neat.
I’ll get back to house painting next week. Ann is good help painting. It is hard to believe the kids are back in school already. Activity is picking up in Wilmore as people are coming in for college and seminary. We have new neighbors across the street, He is starting a four year program at the seminary. I look forward to getting to know them,