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Category: Notes Anthology

St Louis

We left home Saturday and traveled to Memphis, TN to visit Scott and Allison. We had a short but very pleasant visit. Their home is lovely. After taking in the Heritage Festival at Covington TN we had dinner Saturday at a quaint restaurant called Braden Station. It was really down-home, fried catfish and all the fixings. Scott and Allison have three dogs. Earl, Randy and Jazz. Earl and Randy are just like their TV counterparts. Scott and I fished Sunday pm in the lake in their development. Didn’t catch much but it was a beautiful evening.




dsc08080.JPGEarly Monday morning we headed to St. Louis to meet Ron and Jean Like. We have been visiting and site seeing. I have not spent any time in St. Louis since we came with three of the kids 30+ years ago. I have enjoyed seeing the Gateway Arch and other sites. We had dinner at Mike Shannon’s Steak and Seafood last evening. Great steak and lots of memorabilia. We walked a lot today and I’m looking forward to visiting and playing cards this evening after dinner.

Work on our house in Wilmore is progressing. The driveway is being poured. The floors will be finished tomorrow or Thursday. My construction site supervisor (Tanya) is doing a good job overseeing. We should be home tomorrow afternoon.

Ebb and Flow

There is much to be thankful for. It is when the little things get to irritating me that I need to see the bigger picture. Our visit with Andrew Verble last evening helped me keep my perspective. I was reminded of the difficulties and challenges that he and his family face and how they continue to stand up under those pressures. My power steering problems with the van and the microwave going out and numerous other aggravations that come with moving, just aren’t very important.

Moving On

Tomorrow we close on our Wilmore house. I called the mover today and scheduled them for October 1. It is becoming more real each day. I haven’t been weeping but I certainly feel the anxiety. But there is a strange mixture of excitement that goes with it. All in all, I’m still looking forward to the change. I am more convinced than ever that change is something that should be embraced in the later years of life. I do not know any other way that one can break out of the patterns that have been established. But I guess some would argue that they have worked all their life to get “set” and to now change is crazy.

We have decided to go to Florida again this winter. Now all we have to do is find a place to stay that is reasonable. We would like to return to same general area for 6 weeks in Jan and Feb. We have been spoiled. Oh well.

Tuesday Morning

Today is somewhat special. I am going into the office at Crossroads Mission for the first time. I hope to be there in increasing amounts as a I reduce my time at U of L. I will continue to work on a project at U of L and have been told that I can work at home if I want. The project that I’m working on lends itself to that so I will probably continue working after we move. Scott is coming into town this evening. He is picking up some furniture and will return to Memphis tomorrow. We will be visiting with he and Allison in a few days.

Ann continues to work hard getting things packed. The house is getting where it looks pretty barren. We have set October 1 as our moving day. We will improve that if we can get the house in Wilmore ready sooner. Tomorrow we will close on this house. Friday we go to Lexington to close on the Wilmore house. Sunday night is our going away “celebration” at church. I am teaching the youth class that evening and look forward to that. Working with the teens has been a good thing. I will miss them and Mike.

Friday Night

It has been a pleasant evening. We had burgers at WW Cousins with the Gabeharts. Ryan came home with us. We stopped on the way to collect some boxes from Office Depot. It was a treasure trove. Ann is a tiger when it comes to getting boxes. I will try to give her some encouragement tomorrow when she is packing. I had a busy day. Ran to the coffee shop to meet with Mike this morning. Lunch with my friend Arnis. I stopped by an old work friend’s house on the way home. His oldest son (48) died recently from a sudden and unexpected heart attack. It was really good to visit with him. I have great respect for him. The pain of his loss was evident but he is a man of faith in God.

Ann and I spent yesterday in a training session with the Crossroads Missions (CM) team. It was profitable day both with the training and getting to know the team members. I plan to start going into work on an “as available basis” starting next Tuesday. When I complete my assignment at U of L I will increase my time at CM. How I will work out my time at CM after we move to Wilmore is TBD.

We are expecting our grandson Sean for dinner tomorrow. He is deploying to the Balkans very soon. I hope to get in a bike ride while Ann is packing tomorrow. I’ll try not to stay out too long since she needs pretty close supervision. Maybe it will rain. We need it badly.