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Category: The Battle for Attention

THE CHURCH – Losing the Battle for Attention (part 2)

“Why is it important that churches lose the battle for attention?”

My short answer to the first question at the end of part 1 is because winning the battle for attention points the church in the wrong direction. This post is intended to flesh out “the wrong direction”.
Winning attention is a key element of contemporary church growth strategy. The church growth movement (CGM) was started by Donald McGavern in the 50’s out of a concern for churches to be more missional.
Good intentions and missional principles of CGM were co-opted in evangelical churches and strayed from McGavern’s vision and intent.
Ed Stetzer states that the Church Growth movement went astray when it became overly simplified into a series of formulas for church growth, and ultimately led to the very thing McGavran sought to avoid, namely a new kind of mission station. Stetzer states too many of the churches following the emerging formulas became a socially-engineered mission station, which drew people out of their own cultures, into Christian warehouses and away from their neighborhoods and communities where they lived.1

In CGM the operative word is growth. The measure of success is numbers. From the business world discussions of strategy, mission statements, and vision statements entered the church through the movement’s major practitioners. Competition and winning become primary means, justified by the end …spreading the Gospel.

It stands to reason that if a church planter just uses the right laws of management, understands psychological needs, embraces the pietistic practices of Christianity, and makes a vow to a creed or confession that can be interpreted relative to purpose, then surely he will be successful and please God at the same time. And after all, look at what the church planter has done for God!2

Church Growth Movement –

The Body of Christ –

CGM characterized by bigness: efficiency, leadership, success, hustle, increase, growth, excitement, effectiveness, passion; is a stark contrast to love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control of the body of Christ.

“The contemporary American church is so largely enculturated to the American ethos of consumerism that it has little power to believe or to act. 3Walter Brueggermann

The adoption of CGM, primarily defined by an obsession for growth, shifted the trajectory of western churches away from the person and work of Jesus toward consumerism.
“Yes, but look what is being done for Jesus”

It is not possible to pursue Jesus and be obsessed with bigness at the same time without one of them becoming diminished in the process.

Karl Vaters4 Desizing the Church

Vaters’ statement is provocative but serious and deserves attention. One fact that seems to be in agreement is that the western church is diminishing.

Perhaps this post’s title should be “Losing the Battle for Growth”. In the next post I will examine implications of abandoning an obsession for growth and what that might look like.


Additional reading: De-sizing the Church: How Church Growth Became a Science, Then an Obsession, and What’s Next

THE CHURCH – Losing the Battle for Attention (part 1)

In January 2024 I contended the church is winning the battle for attention; a success which is taking the church in a wrong direction. If you have not read that post, you can find it HERE.
This post, intended as a follow up, has been a draft for many months. Primarily and ironically it languished because, sadly, the previous post did not garner much attention.
Prompted by a recent article [You’re Being Alienated From Your Own Attention : Every single aspect of human life is being reoriented around the pursuit of attention. By Chris Hayes] I went back and re-read my post in light of Hayes’ article. IMHO that post was pretty darn good.

Before you can persuade, you must capture attention: “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!” Before you inform, insult, or seduce, you must make sure that your voice doesn’t end up in the muted background static that is 99.9 percent of speech directed our way. Public discourse is now a war of all against all for attention. Commerce is a war for attention. Social life is a war for attention. Parenting is a war for attention. And we are all feeling battle weary. 1Chris Hayes

Some possible reasons why it didn’t get more attention…

  • The title “The Church and the Battle for Attention” wasn’t very seductive. Perhaps something like : ” The Battle of Armageddon Rages” or “Satan Invades the Church” would have gotten attention.
  • The post was more than 244 characters and had links to other articles requiring additional investment of time and attention. In a society where less than half of young Americans read a book nearly every day and ‘70% say they use Facebook daily (including 45% who do so several times a day), a significant increase from the 63% who visited daily in August 2013.’ it should be no surprise a longer post about the church and attention is a snoozer.
  • Related to above, decreased attention span. The average adult internet user’s attention span is 8.25 seconds, influenced by the increasing distractions on the internet, social media, and the environment. 2Attention span, the length of time a person can concentrate on a single task, activity, or stimulus, is a crucial aspect of cognitive functioning. It influences how we learn, work, and interact with our surroundings. This article sheds light on the average human attention span statistics and facts, illustrating how attention varies among individuals and changes over time.
  • The subject requires thoughtful reflection and analysis, questioning assumptions and beliefs, and seeking out new information and perspectives. In other words, effort. Competition for your attention is fierce.
    We resist coercion…If someone puts a gun to your head and tells you to dig a ditch, you know you are being coerced. If someone fires a gun in the air, your attention will instantly shift to the sound even before you can fully grasp what’s happening. 3Chris Hayes

If you have gotten this far, thank you. I hope I’ve gotten your attention enough you will read the first post and the Chris Hayes article. Preparation for: THE CHURCH- Losing the Battle for Attention (part 2).

Questions to be addressed :
Why is it important that churches lose the battle for attention?
How can churches abandon the battle for attention and be successful ?


  • 1
    Chris Hayes
  • 2
    Attention span, the length of time a person can concentrate on a single task, activity, or stimulus, is a crucial aspect of cognitive functioning. It influences how we learn, work, and interact with our surroundings. This article sheds light on the average human attention span statistics and facts, illustrating how attention varies among individuals and changes over time.
  • 3
    Chris Hayes

Church and the Battle for Attention

Hans Kung – The Church

For years I’ve been concerned church is headed in the wrong direction. Church is an easy target, so it is not difficult find others willing to get on the bandwagon. We identify many problem but with no clear consensus on THE problem or WHY. I recently came across an essay entitled The Great Malformation: A personal skirmish in the battle for attention. Riffing on the article, I believe it connects some dots that help, in part, to explain why church is on not on the right path. Not THE problem, but a problem and perhaps insight to why.
In the article The Battle for Attention caught my attention (pun intended) and is the subject of this post. I encourage you to read the entire essay, however “The Battle for Attention” section is available below

Western civilization, experienced a transformation in which economy, the pursuit of profits, engulfed and disfigured the culture. The church was also engulfed and disfigured. The engine for that cultural transformation has been: human attention.
Pursuit of profits has made attention exceedingly valuable and hotly contested. It is hard to think of any other “commodity”— that is as crucial to success in contemporary culture.
It is, then, a matter of no small consequence that human attention is now so heavily exploited.
Churches no longer enjoying “market” domination and compelled by FOMO; recognizing the power of attention and its crucial role in their “success”, joined the battle for attention.

The Battle for Attention – Marketplace examples of the battle for attention:

As marketers, we face a difficult task. It is up to us to ensure that the company’s brand awareness increases, that leads are generated and turned into sales and customers understand the products and services that the company provides.
At the same time, we have less opportunity to gain the customers’ attention as the amount of information increases.
Twenty years ago, Microsoft conducted a study that showed a person’s attention span, on average, was about 12 seconds before becoming distracted. 5 years ago, this time span was down to 8 seconds.
A  study from DTU  concluded in 2019 that people’s attention span will continue to decrease as we are bombarded with more and more information.
We have become accustomed to the fact that there are always new things, stories, and updates that we need to keep an eye on. It goes beyond our ability to concentrate and our ability to stay focused on what is right in front of us.
And that does not make our task as marketers any easier.

How to win the battle for attention – despite distractions that bring instant gratification
Kirsten Back (MBA, MA)
Last week, I heard it again: “your audience has an attention span that only lasts a few seconds!”
Let me put that into context for you with regards to the content that you create and want your audience to read, remember, and act upon.
Your ideal scenario is that your ideal clients, notice your post, read it with focus and intention, remember the points you are making, and then reflect and act upon your content.
For that, you need to draw their attention, keep them engaged, understand your message, process your message, remember your message, take an action or get a positive outcome from your content that carries into their future.
That’s a lot that you expect from your audience (and that your audience expects from your content).
In this post, I am going to look into what your content is competing with and how you can win that competition with better content that your audience finds valuable and desirable enough to consume with their full attention.

Church and the Battle for Attention .

Churches’ decision to engage in the battle for attention carries significant risks and consequences:

Loss of capacity for sustained attention
Paradoxically, subjects of intense competition for their attention may suffer a loss of capacity for sustained attention. Because of increased screen time, it appears competition for attention contributes to increased diagnosis of ADHD. Eventually, people subjected to perpetual assault for their attention will disengage and zone out.

Risk of distraction / redirection/ backlash
Rather than addressing spiritual needs, leaders in a battle for attention assume responsibility for creating desire.
Commitment to a battle for attention inherently redirects priority for worthy goals to the task of creating better ad content to capture people’s attention. Creating desire, at a minimum, is a distraction, at worst, can become a substitute for the core mission— means become the ends.
Battle for attention influences every facet of church life
Some want mitigate the risk of engaging in the battle for attention by arguing if we can get people’s attention the gospel can be shared. Assuming “click bait” that grabs attention of post -modern people will make them open to the gospel is not wise. When “click bait” churches employ is in tune with secular desires, it can produce a ” bait and switch” backlash when the gospel is presented.

Unplanned enculturation of children and re-enculturation of adults
Churches engaging in the battle for attention should recognize the power of winning attention to shape the culture, children and adults. They need look no further than the effects of social media, smartphones, virtual experiences including video games on our psyches . There is potential to penetrate every passing moment of people’s lives. It is a bad bet for churches to place their money on winning the battle for attention; particularly when winning results in sated consumers not converts.
Subjects of the battle for attention face “a hydraulic insistence on conformity to majoritarian standards”. Campaigns to sustain unreflective allegiance of people to the prevailing form of religious life; interfere with parents efforts to pass along their convictions and way of life to their children; essentially limiting their free exercise of religion.

Consumerist proslelytism (i.e. battle for attention)
The nature of consumerist proselytism does not require true believers. It does require attention brokers willing to convey a message that consumption is a centrally important pathway to the happy life. Their task is to provide a picture of the good life and an ideological justification for seeking it. They can make their messages maximally effective, even if they do not believe what they are peddling to be good or on spite of any distaste they might have for the process. Increasingly, criteria for hiring church staff’ include qualifications of attention brokers.

There is a lot to think about and certainly debatable, bringing attention to the “the battle of attention” will hopefully generate thought and productive conversation. Future posts will address the implications of abandoning “the battle for attention” and what church might look like as a “loser”.
Feedback is appreciated.

This post is a continuation of posts on THE CHURCH from 2021 and 2022. Some earlier posts were added to the category. All sixteen posts can be read HERE.