I’m not an economist. In fact, economics classes gave me my greatest pain in college. It appears there are a lot people, including those in power, who are equally unqualified to speak on the economy. Since that is not an impediment to them I thought it would be OK to share an observation:
I continue to find a frightening correlation between the TV and radio advertisements for debt rescue…
i.e. “We can consolidate your debt …”
” ‘Upside down on your credit card? Let us help.’ (testimony follows- ‘I owed $30,000 and I settled for only $10,000 etc)'”
“Owe the IRS back taxes? We can save you $1,000’s. ” and so on.
… and the strategy/policy being employed to resolved our current crisis. Do you think it is possible that the experts have been listening to those ads? Perhaps we could just contract with the private firms who are rescuing the hopelessly indebted people everyday. We need to act quickly.