Today is my mother-in-law, Ruby Mae Watson’s, 90th birthday. I must say that she has been a great mother-in-law. I want to wish her a wonderful birthday.
She loves to play Texas 42. A domino game that seems to be native to only Texas. You learn a lot about people when you play 42 with them. When you play with Mother, you will quickly learn what a determined and risk taking person she is. 42 is a bidding game and the amount bid is most often determined by the number of a particular suit you have drawn. Most people would need at least four of a suit and only rarely will three will be enough. Not so with Two Trump Tater (her nickname in her younger years was Tater), she will take a bid with only two trumps in a heart beat. Her daring bids, I believe, are a reflection of a mindset that sees possibilities and is not bound by the fear of failure. From what I have learned, that is the way Mother has approached life for her many years and continues even at 90. Which, by the way, is really irritating when I play 42 with her and she continually kicks my shins.
Happy Birthday Two Trump Tater!