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It is what it is? 2022

Recently I perused some older posts and found several that seemed as relevant now as when I originally wrote them. This one from 2008 is a good example.

I am always trying to find ways to explain how I think and see the world differently than I did years ago.

As I sat waiting for an orientation class to begin, the television was tuned to an educational channel and the program was a GED preparation math class. The teacher was trying to explain math concepts. He explained that a number, for example the number 5, is more than just a 5. You could say that 5 is 5 and that what it is.
But in reality 5 is infinitely more than just 5. Five is not only 5 it is 2.5×2 = 15/5 = 37-32 = 6-1 = 7.4389 – 2.4389 = ad infinitum .
Yes, they are all 5 but 5 is more than just 5. I can’t explain all the math concepts in the illustration but for me it was a great way to illustrate how my thinking and ultimately my view of the world have changed.
My former way of thinking was when I saw 5, it was 5 and that was what it was.
Somewhere along the line I realized that not only is 5 … 5, it is 2.5×2 and 15/5 and much more. Things I viewed so narrowly, I now realize the endless possibilities that exist in in how they are seen and understood.
Creation reflects the infinite nature of the Creator.



  1. Tom Gardner

    Hey George,
    I was recently introduced to your blog by a mutual friend; Bob Ahern. I must say that I enjoy reading them weekly. I perceive that you are on a Christian mystical journey with the likes of Rohr and Freeman, as am I. I feel its such a blessing to unlearn so much of what I learned over the years as a good Catholic altar boy, then an evangelical Christian. I am thankful to know in my “older age” that I am loved unconditionally by my “ground of being”; God in the form of a self-emptying Trinity.
    I’ve been noticing the skin on my eyes recently sagging too. Maybe someday a new circumcision for this “Dickhead”!

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