It really is a war on reality. People who believe that reality is socially constructed come to believe that lying for the sake of building a socially just world is fine. And so, we find ourselves committing suicide as a civilization.
Rod Dreher
Our nation continues to be embroiled in cultural conflict; an un-civil war that threatens our future as a democracy. Unlike culture wars, fighting secularism, atheism and moral decline, intiated by the Evangelical right in the 1970’s; today’s war is a bewildering paradox in which the combatants are waging War on Reality. This is a dispute between objective reality and perceived reality. Each, believing they are championing the building of a just society, ironically fabricate their own reality; a moral compromise Rod Dreher correctly characterizes as suicidal.
Combatants armed with an ancient, timeless, deadly and effective weapon — lying —using any of its many traits — untruthfulness, fabrication, fibbing, perjury, white lies, little white lies; falseness, falsity, dishonesty, mendacity, mendaciousness, perfidy, perfidiousness, lack of veracity, telling stories, invention, misrepresentation, deceit, duplicity, dissimulation, dissembling, pretense, artifice, guile, double-dealing,— strive to discredit, destroy anything or anyone that threatens reality as they perceive it.
At this point, Christians will invoke – Amen! Declaring agreement about “them” and their despicable lies. The problem, as I have come to understand it is , the combatants waging war on reality, are not “them’, but “us”.