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Category: Notes Anthology

What Christianity is About

(Original post 2007-02-03)

N. T. Wright in Simply Christian challenged me this morning as he wrote about what Christianity is about. He first clarifies what Christianity is not about:

Christianity is not about a new moral teaching as though we were morally clueless and in need of some fresh or clearer guidelines. … Christianity isn’t about Jesus offering a wonderful moral example, as though our principal need was to see what a life of utter love and devotion to God and to other people would look like, so that we could try to copy it. … Nor is Christianity about Jesus offering, demonstrating, or even accomplishing a new route by which people can “go to heaven when they die.” … Finally, Christianity isn’t about giving the world fresh teaching about God himself though clearly, if the Christian claim is true, we do indeed learn a great deal about who God is by looking at Jesus. …

After reading the above, I felt somewhat stripped bare. But, Wright offers a challenging and encouraging definition of what Christianity is about.

Christianity is all about the belief that the living God, in fulfillment of his promises and as the climax of the story of Israel, has accomplished all this … the finding, the saving, the giving of new life in Jesus. He has done it. With Jesus, God’s rescue operation has been put into effect once and for all. A great door has swung open in the cosmos which can never again be shut. It’s the door to the prison where we’ve been kept chained up. We are offered freedom: freedom to experience God’s rescue for ourselves, to go through the open door and explore the new world to which we now have access. In particular, we are all invited, summoned, actually, to discover, through following Jesus, that this new world is indeed a place of justice, spirituality, relationship, and beauty, and that we are not only to enjoy it as such but to work at bringing it to birth on earth as in heaven.

What Wright has to say has profound implications on what my life in Christ should look like


Yesterday we took Ryan and his new loft bed to Louisville. With his dad and mom, we assembled his bed in his newly painted bedroom. It looks very good and Ryan seemed to be pleased. There is a desk that will go underneath the loft bed.

The Project

Ryan has been visiting us all week. We have have been building a loft bed for his new bedroom at home. It has been a lot of fun and work. Ryan has done a lot of work and I have learned a lot. We completed the construction today and got started on painting. We will take him home Saturday and help him set it up. Tomorrow after we finishing painting we will find some time for fishing.

Friday Night Out

Yesterday I was invited to join a guys’ night out. The Crockett, Walt and Long men/boys went to Lake Herrington to fish, swim, tube, eat hot dogs and smores and celebrate David Walt’s eighth birthday. The evening was topped off with an Indiana Jones movie which did not keep me from going to sleep. We returned home today about 1 pm. I really enjoyed being along. The kids were great and had a wonderful time. We had good conversations and I appreciated getting to know Fred Long and J.D. Walt.



There is ultimately no justification for a private piety that doesn’t work out in actual mission, just as there is no justification for people who use their activism in the social, cultural, or political sphere as a screen to prevent them from facing the challenges within their own lives – the challenge, that is of God’s kingdom, of Jesus’s lordship, and of the Spirit’s empowering. If the gospel is not transforming you, how do you know it will transform anything else?

N.T. Wright – Surprised by Hope