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Category: The Journey

Spiritual Milestones (a repost)

Jan. 17th, 2006 | 03:29 pm

It has occurred to me that spiritual milestones are like historical markers. Historical markers are everywhere. Many are on roadsides to alert the traveler that a historical site is nearby or something of historical significance occurred near there. One source says there are more than 50,000 markers in the US. In many, if not most, cases the historical markers are in mundane or unremarkable places. I suppose that is one reason for the markers. In their absence there would be no indication of anything significant. In a similar way, our marking of milestones along our spiritual journey establishes the significance of events and places that otherwise would be ordinary. Without our testimony to the work of God in our lives, others may only see the ordinary and say “That’s just life” or “That’s the luck of the draw”.

A question that has challenged me is, how do I know what is a spiritual milestone and what is not? At this point most of my milestones have been identified in retrospect. As I have come to a deeper understanding of God and my relationship with him, I am able to look back and see with clarity His hand in my life. I did not recognize it at the time but because of the Holy Spirit’s transforming power I am coming to see things less from a human perspective and more from a spiritual perspective. When life is viewed from a human perspective we cannot see nor do we expect to see the hand of God in our lives.

No matter how we see life, the reality is that God is sovereign. He is in control. God is at work in his creation.

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father” (Matt 10:29).

Seeing life through the Spirit, I am not just aware of what God has done before. But, now knowing that God works in my life, I live with an expectation of His working; anxious and joyful about the exciting possibilities in store for me on this adventurous journey. As a result, I am more alert to God’s working as go about each day. I seek to find God’s presence in every circumstance. As I allow God’s Spirit to guide my life, my ability to discern God’s presence and working increases. The ability to discern God’s working in my life and in the world is not just retrospective it becomes contemporary. My witness is not just about the past, it is becoming a daily testimony to the glory of God.

I plan to write about past milestones. I will also attempt to write about current experiences in which I believe I see God’s hand. I am sure that I will never be able to see all of God’s work in my life clearly in the present. The infinite mystery of God will never allow me to see or understand completely. My humanness will limit the work of the Spirit. I will not know fully until all things are made known in eternity.


It is time to re-commit to regular blog posting. It is a bit like New Year’s resolutions, there is a sincere desire but most often it is short lived. The problem is not an absence of subjects to write about, it is more about willfulness. There is an additional issue that comes to mind whenever I start to write… Why?  Why take the time and energy to write? Is what I’m thinking about really relevant to anyone else?

The question of why and relevancy is, I believe, related to aging. As I grow older, what I am noticing more and more is my irrelevance. As people age they become increasingly invisible to those around them. There is no malice in those to whom the elderly are invisible, just apathy. Ironically, at least malice would generate some attention. I’d rather have a good fight than be ignored.

Maybe blog posting is just one way of resisting irrelevance.  My blog feed has 70+ blog sites that have accumulated over the years, currently there are less than a dozen sites that remain active. Social media (Facebook) has become the medium of choice. Perhaps my choice to continue blogging is prima facia evidence of my irrelevance???

At any rate, I will trudge on.

I found this post from my initial effort at journaling (blogging )

A Personal Journal

Jan. 14th, 2006 | 09:11 pm

This is a personal journal of George Ezell. It has been created to be a repository of writings about my life and experiences. The information, although personal, is intended to be shared. Perhaps it will be of interest to family and/or friends, if not in the present, in the years to come. It is my belief this journal will be a useful tool in coming to a better self-understanding. It is also my hope that I will be able to provide a window into my life through which others may better understand just who I am.




Boring Christianity

No one tells you that Christianity is a 70 to 80 year grind in becoming more kind, more gentle, more giving, more joyful, more patient, more loving. You learn that God isn’t in the rocking praise band or the amped up worship experience. What you learn after college is that Holy Ground is standing patiently in a line. You learn that Holy Ground is learning to listen well to your child, wife or co-worker. Holy Ground is being a reliable and unselfish friend or family member and being a good nurse when someone is sick. Holy Ground is awkward and unlikely friendships. Holy Ground is often just showing up.

Richard Beck