“You are going to feel like hell if you never write the stuff that is tugging on the sleeves of your heart — your stories, visions, memories, visions and songs. Your truth, your version of things, your own voice. That is really all you have to offer us. And that’s also why you were born.”
Anne Lamott
“You are going to feel like hell if you never write the stuff that is tugging on the sleeves of your heart — your stories, visions, memories, visions and songs. Your truth, your version of things, your own voice. That is really all you have to offer us. And that’s also why you were born.”
Anne Lamott
Today, with a lot of help from Ann, I finally managed to complete sorting and rearrangement of the “stuff” stored in the carriage house. We now have a lot of items for our yard sale. Timing for the sale is TBD. My workshop is cleared and cleaned. I plan to start some projects soon. The first will be to refurbish Meredith’s rabbit hutch.
In the sorting process I went through a huge bin of photographs. I did not cull any photos. I expect the kids will have a great time looking at them some time in the future. I also came across a basket of stuff from my mother things after she died. We just put them away. What I found was a lot of my baby clothes, some baby toys, some of mother’s clothes. There were also some baby shoes, including one of my first pair of shoes. There was a shirt that I suspect was given to me by my Uncle Bill and Aunt Imogene since it was an Auburn shirt and they were in school there after WWII.
War Eagle!
It is sort of strange to go through all of those things. They really are precious to me but what do you do with them? I suppose somebody might want an item or two. Perhaps they will be displayed in the George Ezell library which will surely be built after I’ve departed.
I enjoyed Palm Sunday worship service this Sunday very much. The lesson was especially good. Ann sang with the choir in a special presentation. The kids paraded with parents waving their palm fronds and singing Hosanna. Here are two video clips:
An unintended consequence of my “blog slog” is that I don’t acknowledge birthdays and special occasions on my blog as I usually do. The latest grandkid birthday was Madison. She turned 10 years old on April 6. The picture is a self-portrait done in chalk on her front sidewalk. Madi is a very talented young lady. I am looking forward to her visiting with us. Hopefully we will be able do some projects in my workshop.
This morning I decided that I would make an official declaration that winter has passed. I know, spring has already come per the calendar but my soul (and the weather) is just now catching up.
I haven’t posted much on this blog in recent months. It is not that I haven’t had any thing to share, it’s just that I haven’t had the energy (will) to record a lot of thoughts and experiences. Besides, if you read Ann’s blog, she does a great job of documenting our daily lives.
I will attribute my lack of posting to the doldrums of winter. Spring is energizing so I am going to attempt to be more purposeful and regular in my posting.
I will not attempt to catch up with this posting but here are some random entries.
“Pleasantview House”, our guest house, is gaining some traction. We have seen a steady increase in rentals. We have advertised it on VRBO and have received several bookings as a result. We continue to “tweak” it and there are a few projects that will keep me busy in the coming months. I am truly enjoying the experience.
I have been experiencing a heightened sense of awareness of my age and the reality of being in the “twilight”. I intend to post some thoughts on that in the near future.
There are several significant projects that need to be done around our house. I started painting the fence and the weather postponed completion. Hopefully, a few dry days will give me a chance to complete that . A new back door and storm door need to be installed. Our kitchen needs a major renovation. The front porch needs to be painted after suffering the abuse of my snow shovel. I am glad to announce that the grass in our front yard has been successfully restored to its former beauty but the back yard is in need of much attention. There are numerous other items on my list. Issues related to achieving completion of them are : time, energy, money, expertise and resolve.
Spring means the younger grandkids are enjoying a lot of activities and I am looking forward to watching and cheering them on whenever possible.
I have been renewed in my interest in major league baseball. I attended the Cincinnati Red’s opening day game which solidified my support and interest as a Red’s fan.
My reading has broadened recently to fiction and biographies in addition to my usual religion, theology genres. I am currently reading a particularly interesting book on culture change entitled “To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World” I believe this book has the potential for influencing some significant shifts in my understandings of culture change.
There are a lot of other things on my mind. Some of which are not suitable for posting, but there are plenty that are suitable and I hope to write about. I am just thankful that I am still able to think clearly (it occurred to me as I wrote that, how do I know I am thinking clearly???) I am sure someone will tell me.
By the way, the person that I come to identify with most in this phase of my life is Earl in the comic strip Pickles.