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Catching Up

Despite suffering from “blog slog”, I am going to attempt to catch up a bit.

Ann and I are currently in Abilene visiting her parents. They are in the process of selling their house and moving to an assisted living facility. We are helping to prepare their house a bit and sort through a lot of stuff. The real estate market is not good in Abilene and it may be a while before they are able to sell their place. It is a difficult transition for them. I hope that I can learn from their experience in preparation for my own inevitable transitions. If I can just remember…………

Since my last post Scott celebrated a birthday- 10-10-10. Happy belated birthday. We visited he and Allison and the twins briefly on our way to Abilene. Neyland and Turner are cute as they can be. Their Mimi thinks they are really special. (Papa too but who cares?)

I would like to post more but the “slog” is catching up with me. Maybe later. I’ve been pondering some things I would like share but “slog” rehab is slow.

Whole Again

Sometimes I feel as if there is a big hole in my life. For the last several weeks there has been a big hole in my backyard. This week I was able fill the backyard hole. Though it was hard work hauling all that fill to the backyard, I wish it was that easy to fill the holes my life.

Congratulations and Happy Birthday Tanya

Today is youngest daughter Tanya’s birthday. I won’t tell you how old she is for my own benefit but she is celebrating the 18th anniversary of her 20th birthday. She got off to a great start by competing in the R. J. Corman Duathalon (5K run/15mi Bike/ 5K run) finishing first in her age group. She used my hybrid bike and was competing against road bikes which cost her time in the bike segment. Great job Tanya.

Blog Slog

I have been suffering blog slog for sometime. I am not sure what causes this condition. Even as I write this I feel a sense of overwhelming apathy …………………………………………..

A Morning Blessing

This morning I was surprised and pleased to see that my friend Isaac had posted on his blog. I always look forward to what he has to say. Today was especially meaningful to me. This quote gave me more than enough to think about this day.

I had a dream once. I dreamed it every day month after month for years. Daily. It was a godly dream. About mission work in Africa, even. And about ten years ago, that dream began to slip away. It broke me, you know. I still haven’t completely let go. But this week, again, I mourned for that dream. I cried out from places in my heart that I hadn’t felt in a long, long time. And I told God just what I felt about it. Not because He’s been unfaithful to me, but because I don’t understand. And God bless me if I never understand.

I think the angry broken raw hurt of an honest plea is as sweet a prayer to God as any. I wrestled with Him the other night. And I woke up with my hip a little out of joint, but more persuaded than ever that He is God. I still don’t have any answers, but I’m convinced that He does. And the more I Know he has the answers, the less I feel the need to know them.?

You can find Isaac’s blog here.