Kenois – the spiritual act of pouring out oneself, of “emptying” the self of its prerogatives … the idea of relinquishment of authority, power or prerogative. Jesus stands as the supreme example of this generous act of humility.
Kenosis is achieved, not through some superhuman effort on our part, but rather in the opposite direction, in giving up and giving in to God.
Humbling oneself, forgiving others, renouncing one’s own inflated certainty (abandoning the fatal need to be right about everything), sharing our material goods, receiving criticism in humility, saying “I am sorry,” resisting our need to be first, renouncing our “rights,” our entitlements, and our prerogatives – we must practice such daily “deaths” of the self over and over again if we are to develop our pilgrim hearts.
The Pilgrim Heart – Darryl Tippens