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It’s true, but …

It is a beautiful morning. I’m out riding my bike to the beach. There are lots of busy streets and intersections. I decide to cross at one particularly busy intersection so decided to use the pedestrian crosswalk. I waited for the light and when it turned green, I proceeded across forgetting the pedestrian light. Halfway across a woman in car turning left had to wait for me and rudely shouted “Wait for your light, idiot!”

I had an impulse of anger but then I realize it was true. I’m sorry, even if it is true it’s not what I want to hear. Why are people so rude???

Fickles 12-28-09

Fickles and Fannie made it to Florida. Enjoying their morning walk together, Fannie says,”Did you pack your bathing suit? The camouflage one.”

Fickles: “Yes. I sure did”.

Fannie: “Well I didn’t see it when I unpacked”.

Fickles: “Well, duh. It’s camouflage”.

Fond Memories

Having breakfast at our hotel on the way to Florida. There is a family group here that reminds me of years past. Grandad and grandmom are enjoying children and grandchildren. Appears to be 10-12 grandkids 10 and under, mostly under. They are making great memories.

Bowl Bound

The Crocketts shared family gifts this evening. The big surprise was tickets for all of their family to attend the Music City bowl this coming Sunday in Nashville. UK will play Clemson. Everyone also received UK apparel to wear to the game.

It’s Ryan’s Birthday

Happy Birthday Ryan

Today is Ryan’s 15th birthday. We were able to celebrate with him last evening.

He is a great grandson, a follower of Christ, a proud ROTC Marine, a wrestler, an avid hunter, fisherman, imaginative inventor, a hopeful romantic and a fountain of knowledge. He will be a fine man one day.

Semper Fi