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Thinking about the Kingdom of God

I wonder what would happen if our posture became that of an advocate for those outside the Kingdom? What if we set aside our apologetics and our theological arguments and just lived as Christ would in front of others? I wonder how God might lead us if we were more concerned about being a “friend of sinners” than a friend to those inside our church or denomination? My sense is that maybe people would begin to have the same feelings for us as they did for Jesus.

The Tangible Kingdom


Fanny’s friend, Frieda, is a frantic type. Always nervous. Flighty would be the word for her.

Frieda went shopping at Kroger recently. Having finished her shopping and checked out, she headed to the parking lot. Always alert and watchful she noticed a man following behind her. No matter which direction she took, he was behind her.

Not the shy type, Frieda wheeled around and confronted the man.

“Are you following me?”, she demanded!

To which he replied, “Yes madam. I’m bringing your groceries to your car.”

It’s Been a While

I have been in a blog fog for sometime. I’m not sure what the problem is. I have several things on my mind that I keep planning to post and somehow never get around to it. At any rate, I’m making an attempt to day.

One of my favorite cartoons is Pickles. The characters are often too close to my own experiences. I am considering starting to post some of the adventures of Fred and Fanny in a small, central Kentucky town. You can look forward (?) to FICKLES coming soon.

I have mentioned before the sermon series from the life of Joseph being presented by Pastor Steve Elliott at First Alliance church. I think, for me, this has been one of the best series I have had the opportunity to hear. I would encourage anyone to take the time and listen to them. You can access the audio their website.

Here are few random quotes from my notes of Steve’s lessons. (Not all are original to Steve but were cited in his lessons)

“Self pity is a grave from which there is no ressurrection.”

“May your future contain all the promise and all the joy this moment once held.”

“A divine reminder: if you wrestle with God, you will not win and you will walk with a limp ever after.”

“You can have a life full of dramatic encounters with God and still not have a life full of God.”

“Change always involves loss.”

“A guilty conscience is always suspicious of Grace.”

“When you trust people to deliver what only God can deliver, we become bitter.”

November 1?

The year is flying by. It won’t be long until we make our way to Florida for a few weeks. We plan to leave Dec 26 and return the first of February.  I’m looking forward to some fishing and relaxation. During February, we plan to spend some time with Scott and Allison after the twins are born. I am excited about two new grandsons.

The cooler (colder?) weather is impeding my project work in the unheated carriage house. I am close to completing a cradle for the twins and expect there will be enough warmer days to get it finished.

Pastor Steve shared this quote today which stuck with me, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

Lighting Your Own Way

The temptation to find my own way has always been and remains a challenge in my spiritual journey. I was reminded this past week of Isaiah’s words regarding lighting our own path.

Let him who walks in the dark,
who has no light,
trust in the name of the LORD
and rely on his God.

But now, all you who light fires
and provide yourselves with flaming torches,
go, walk in the light of your fires
and of the torches you have set ablaze.
This is what you shall receive from my hand:
You will lie down in torment. (50:10-11)