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A Great Awakening

Highview All-Star
Highview All-Star

This is a special day for grandson KYLE. Today he is 13 years old. A teenager. It is hard to believe but time goes by quickly. Being a teenager is a great awakening. The whole world changes. Well actually, the world is seen in a completely different way. Have a great birthday KYLE. I love you.

BTW. This is not the first awakening Kyle has experienced. This summer he has awaken to the reality that he really can play baseball well. Last night in a tournament game he went 3 for 3 with a single, HR and a double. Have fun Kyle and keep working.

Interpreting the Bible

I just finished reading Inspiration and Incarnation by Peter Enns. It was a challenging book but worthy of my time. I will continue to contemplate his theses. I found the following quotes on biblical interpretation to be personally timely and insightful.

Perhaps we should think of biblical interpretation more as a path to walk than a fortress to be defended. Of course there are times when defense is necessary, but the … task of biblical interpretation should not be defined by such. … The burden of “getting it right” can sometimes be discouraging and hinder effective ministry. I would rather think of biblical interpretation as a path we walk, a pilgrimage we take, whereby the longer we walk and take in the surrounding scenes, the more people we stop and converse with along the way, the richer our interpretation will be. Such a journey is not always smooth. At times what is involved is a certain degree of risk and creativity: we may need to leave the main path from time to time to explore less traveled but promising tracks .

… as we attempt to understand scripture, we move further along the path. At the end of the path is not simply gaining of knowledge about the text, but God himself who speaks to us therein. The goal toward which the path is leading is that which set us on the path to begin with: our having been claimed by God as coheirs with the crucified and risen Christ. The reality of the crucified and risen Christ is both the beginning and the end of Christian biblical interpretation.

It is always an option, I suppose, to halt the journey and stand still, or perhaps turn around and walk back a few hundred yards, so as to stand at a safe distance from what lies ahead. we should continue the journey, however, not because we are sure of the footing, but be cause we have faith in God who placed us our journey to begin with.

Being Right

I came across this John Naisbitt quote from his book Mind Set.

“If you have to be right, you put yourself in a hedged lane, but once you experience the power of not having to be right, you will feel like you are walking across open fields, the perspective wide and your feet free to take any turn.”

Down to the River

I had a great Father’s Day. There were expressions of appreciation from all my children and Ann as well as others. I truly appreciate each of them.

This Father’s Day was special for other reasons. For some time, Tanya and Daniel have been talking with their children, nurturing and encouraging them in their relationship with God. Together they decided it was time for them to demonstrate their belief in Jesus as God’s Son and commit their lives to following Him. J. D. and Tiffani Walt are valued friends of the Crocketts and have played an important role in their family’s spiritual journey. Yesterday, Ann and I were invited to join with the Crockett and Walt families to travel to Lake Herrington for worship and fellowship and celebration in the baptism of Jerod, Meredith, Blake and Grayson Crockett. After breakfast together, J.D. led our worship and performed the baptisms.


It was a glorious day. I am so thankful for God’s gracious love. Congratulations Jerod, Meredith, Blake and Grayson and Tanya and Daniel.









The Crockett boys and their Dad (coach) completed the baseball season by winning the league tournament today. They had to play two games. Because it was double elimination and they got beat the first game 10-9, they played a second game which they won in the last inning 9-8. The Red Sox won the regular season as well the tournament. Grayson got to play today because they were short players.
