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Antidote for Judgmentalism

I just finished reading Love Is an Orientation: Elevating the Conversation with the Gay Community by Andrew Marin. It was an eye opener for me. Marin tackles tough questions that arise when Christians engage the subject of homosexuality. Some will be put off by this book. If they can get past the foreword by Brian McLaren they will need to exercise a significant amount of patience and openness to glean the harvest this book offers. I deeply appreciate the life of Andrew Marin. To me, his life represents a model for kingdom living.

His principles and methods for engaging the gay community are an antidote to the shrill voices of fundamentalism and judgmentalism that seem to dominate most conversations on the subject. For me,  the book provides not only answers to how to engage the gay community, it also opened my eyes to, (as McLaren describes) “the judgmental lifestyle”, the “take-take-the-splinter-out if your-brother’s-eye” religiosity that Jesus talked about in the Sermon on the mount that I continually struggle with.

His call is to seek the voice of God in our lives. To that end he suggests: “The way forward with the (gay) community is not a debate on the Bible’s statements about same-sex sexual behavior but a discussion of how to have an intimate, real, conversational relationship with the Father and Judge.”

What he posits for relating to the gay community is in reality what we should be employing as we encounter all the world which stands against God’s reign in our lives.

Our First Grandbike

Yesterday Lacey competed her purchase of a motorcycle. She is the proud owner of a Ninja 250. We are experiencing all the anxiety of grandparents having their first grandbike.


Memorial Day

For the first time in my life, I attended some “official” Memorial Day services. These were held at Camp Nelson National Cemetery just a few miles from our home. It was good remember people who gave their lives for our country. There were several hundred people in attendance.





Happy 90th Birthday

Two Trump Tater
Two Trump Tater

Today is my mother-in-law, Ruby Mae Watson’s, 90th birthday. I must say that she has been a great mother-in-law. I want to wish her a wonderful birthday.

She loves to play Texas 42. A domino game that seems to be native to only Texas. You learn a lot about people when you play 42 with them. When you play with Mother, you will quickly learn what a determined and risk taking person she is. 42 is a bidding game and the amount bid is most often determined by the number of a particular suit you have drawn. Most people would need at least four of a suit and only rarely will three will be enough. Not so with Two Trump Tater (her nickname in her younger years was Tater), she will take a bid with only two trumps in a heart beat. Her daring bids, I believe, are a reflection of a mindset that sees possibilities and is not bound by the fear of failure. From what I have learned, that is the way Mother has approached life for her many years and continues even at 90. Which, by the way, is really irritating when I play 42 with her and she continually kicks my shins.

Happy Birthday Two Trump Tater!