Pictures of me from the Papa John’s 10 Miler are now available for purchase HERE. Don’t wait they may sell out. The Papa John’s 10 Miler was the last leg of the Louisville Triple Crown of Running. I was able to run(?) the entire 10 miles. My time was reasonable for me – 2:00:21. Especially since my time two years ago was 2:01:25. My goal was 2:00:00. I am glad that I ran all three races but the question that was on my mind most of the last 4 miles Saturday was WHY?
I continue to struggle with posting my thoughts and experiences . I wonder sometimes if I have made blogging a requirement rather than an opportunity to communicate and share. It is not that I don’t have any subjects or experiences to write about. This whole blogging thing is quite interesting. There are a lot of different reasons people choose to blog. My orginal intent when I began blogging was to use it as a vehicle by which I could communicate with familly and friends, especially my children, about day to day experiences and thoughts. I am going to attempt to restore that purpose on a more consistent basis.
Most recently, I celebrated Easter Sunday in a fashion that was mostly new to me. Since we are attending First Alliance Church, the experience was significantly different than my past Easters. The day began with a sunrise gathering. we lighted candles and were led by the women to a symbolic tomb where we sang songs and read scriptures and writings declaring the resurrection of Christ our Savior.
Following breakfast together, we assembled with the rest of the congregation for worship. The atmosphere was electric. The music and singing was energetic and celebratory. A men’s chorus and the women’s choir sang beautifully. The younger children sang also. I was so pleased that Ann was able to participate in the women’s choir. She was a beautiful addition to the group. Pastor Steve shared a challenging and appropriate message to conclude the service.
In the afternoon, we had a great meal together with the Gabeharts and Crocketts. And there was a traditional Easter egg hunt (riot). Some (no kids of course) found the egg hunt particularly difficult since it require abandoning the Master’s golf tournament for a while. But it all worked out.
Today we had a Wilmore celebration for Madison who will be 8 on April 6. It was a good day. Ann fixed a great dinner. We had cake and ice cream followed by fun time visiting around the fire in our new firepit. Melissa gave us the firepit for our “everything” present as she calls it.
But this best part of the day for me was when Madison brought me this note:
Recently, Pastor Steve remarked during his sermon (don’t remember why),
“My wife Marilyn says that when she dies she wants to come back as a slender blonde.”
Without hesitation, from amidst the congregation, Marilyn retorted:
“No, that’s when YOU die.”
When grandaughter Meredith saw this frog she immediately proclaimed that it looked like Papa sitting there. Oh well.