Yesterday we joined the Crocketts and Gabeharts for an afternoon at the Louisville Zoo. It was a great day and we have pictures to prove it!
Today has been unusual. Ann and I have been under the weather. She has been sick for several days and I went puny yesterday evening. As a result, most of today has been taking it easy. Ann stayed in bed mostly and I have napped in the recliner. I think that I have turned the corner. Ann is still fighting her “bug”. The Crocketts came over for a visit this afternoon and we sat on the deck and enjoyed the sunshine for a few minute.
Tomorrow I am picking up Andrew Verble for church and lunch. He is in rehab in Lexington. If you do not remember, Andrew is the young man who suffered severe head injuries in an auto accident. He was not expected to recover. Not only did he live, he continues to make progress toward a normal lifestyle. It has been and will be a long journey but he is determined. This is the first time I have seen him since last fall.
Next week is spring break for the kids. Things will pick up around Wilmore. We expect Melissa and her kids to visit sometime.
I almost forgot. GO CARDS!!!
I know that there are some of you that are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to purchase pictures of me and Ann participating in the 10K Rodes City Run. They are now available and you see them and make a choice ,or perhaps buy one of each, or perhaps send some to family and friends. Enjoy!

Today is grandaughter Lacey’s 18th birthday. It is hard to believe that she is out of high school and on her way to becoming an EMT. I hope you have a great day.
I’m not an economist. In fact, economics classes gave me my greatest pain in college. It appears there are a lot people, including those in power, who are equally unqualified to speak on the economy. Since that is not an impediment to them I thought it would be OK to share an observation:
I continue to find a frightening correlation between the TV and radio advertisements for debt rescue…
i.e. “We can consolidate your debt …”
” ‘Upside down on your credit card? Let us help.’ (testimony follows- ‘I owed $30,000 and I settled for only $10,000 etc)'”
“Owe the IRS back taxes? We can save you $1,000’s. ” and so on.
… and the strategy/policy being employed to resolved our current crisis. Do you think it is possible that the experts have been listening to those ads? Perhaps we could just contract with the private firms who are rescuing the hopelessly indebted people everyday. We need to act quickly.