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Camping Out


For the last few days I’ve been camping out in Tyler’s Deer Camp. We had a great time with the Gabehart’s. We helped get Ryan’s room finished. Went to Kyle and Tyler’s baseball games. Ann got to sleep with Madison in the princess room. We also got to visit some friends. We’re back in Wilmore and looking forward to the rest of the week. Sean may come to see us this Saturday. 


Ryan's room
Ryan's Room


Tyler's Deer Camp room
Tyler's Deer Camp


Deer Camp
Deer Camp

On My Mind

I’ve had a lot things on my mind as of late. The result has been blogging paralysis. Today I will attempt to dump some of what is on my mind and hopefully break the log jam.

Up the Down Escalator

I recently blogged about Steve Elliot’s sermon “Up the Down Escalator”. It is finally available on the FAC website. You can listen to it HERE.


I really enjoyed our recent visit with our friends from Kansas. I especially appreciate Ron’s relentless questions. We talk a lot about our respective spiritual journeys. That is somewhat unusual in its own respect. What is more unusual are his probing questions. He is always wanting to understand the why of my journey. It is really helpful to have to think about and articulate reasons and processes that have brought me to where I am today. Equally helpful is his follow up question, “What does that look like?”. His questions continue challenge me beyond our conversations and I deeply appreciate his honesty and openness and sincerity. I believe the ability and willingness to ask and answer questions in such a way are a barometer of the quality and health of a relationship.