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Hello world!

I’m on my way to getting my blog back on line. Unfortunately I am unable to restore my previous posts. I guess I should consider this a second chance at blogging. Hopefully I will do better this time.

Little League Opening Day

We got the season off to a great start yesterday with two victories. Jerod was not able to play because he was on a academic field trip to Columbus, Ohio. Blake took up the slack and was awarded the game ball for his performance. Grayson had a great game and also was awarded a game ball. Here are two videos from the day.


What’s happening…

I been really busy for the last few days. I worked on our deck all day Monday, Tuesday and this morning. My son-in-law Byron was able to help me yesterday. He has considerable expertise and because of that we were able to work out some design issues as we worked. I finished out the decking this morning and I am pleased with the result. I have some additional work to do but it can be done at anytime.

We have the Gabehart kids with us for a few days. It is their spring break. They seem to be having a good time and we are enjoying remembering that we were parents of young children in our former life. Last night, we went to watch UK and UL play baseball for an hour or so. It was a good game. I’m glad that we didn’t stay for the whole game since it went 13 innings. Madison is spending a lot of her time with Merdith. She really enjoys having an older cousin for a playmate.

The first baseball game of the season for Jerod and Blake’s team is Friday. Their next games are Saturday and Monday. It is going to be interesting. Jerod is sick and I’m not sure when he will able to play. I hope he gets well soon. Grayson is also playing baseball, so there will no absence of opportunity to watch baseball.



Today is Madison Leighann Gabehart’s seventh birthday. I am proud to be her grandfather. Madi is very special. We are going to Louisville this afternoon to celebrate with her and her family.