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Will the sun ever shine?

Of course. The real question is, will I survive until the sun shines again?

I am continuingt o develop a “Wilmore” life-style. This week has been good despite the weather. We caught one good day on Wednesday and went hiking with the Crocketts. I’m helping coach Jerod and Blake’s little league team. I enjoy it, but it is hard on my body. There is a lot of work to be done around our home. I am prepared to paint the carriage house and picket fence as soon as weather permits. Also, I’m in the process of revising and expanding our deck. Again, I need a few day of good weather. The yard is coming along. I’ve got the front yard in decent shape. The back yard will take some time.

I’m also trying to get the outdoor spa in working condition. It has been dormant for a couple of years. The jury is still out on whether on not it is repairable. Again… need some good weather. It appears that if I get some good weather, I’m going to be really busy. I am most looking forward to sitting on our front porch.

We are planning several trips. Memphis May 8-11. We are going to do  some fishing with Scott and Alison. Abilene some time in April or May.


I been delivered … from the depths of blogging despair. My hosting service has finally resolved a database issue that had my site creeping. I apologize to any of you who were frustrated by the slowness of my site. I fully expect to see my blog clog burst.

Spring Break Hike

Yesterday we finally got a sunny, albeit cool day. It was perfect for hiking. We joined the Crcoketts for a short ride to Shaker Village where we discoverd that they have wonderful hiking trails. It was a grand time and we enjoyed a picnic also. Here is some video of our adventure.