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Flip Video


I am now the proud owner of a Flip Video camera. With it I hope to introduce a new dimension to my blogging experience.

My first productions have been uploaded to YouTube. They are from Grayson’s school music show. The first movie is the short “fancy” version. The second is the longer parent, grandparent version.

Good Week

The week was busy. After being Louisville Sunday and Monday, Ann’s sister Linda and her husband Jim from Nashville came to visit Wednesday. They left Friday noon. We were able to catch up on our lives and do some sight seeing at the same time. They got the grand tour of Wilmore and High Bridge as well as lunch at Shaker Village and a stop at Fort Harrod State Park.



We then drove to Frankfort and toured the state capital. The legislature is in session and we sat in on the Senate session for a few minutes. The capital is a beautiful building and the senate session was interesting. Ann and Tanya cooked a couple of great meals.Friday was a beautiful spring day and I managed to work the front yard flower beds and put down mulch. Our new gutters are completed. As soon as I get a few good days I’ll start some painting on the carriage house. I also plan to expand our deck with Byron’s help.



 Today Jerod participated in the elementary school regional academic competition. He won second place in language arts. He missed winning first place by one point. CONGRATULATIONS.




Sunday and Monday was the Kentucky Governor’s Cup Academic Competition. Ryan is on the Newburg Middle School regional champion quick recall team. The were competing so Ann and I spend the better part of Sunday and Monday watching the competition at the Galt House in Louisville. I had no idea what a big deal the Governor’s Cup is. There were over 2400 students competing from all over the state. I was very impressed with kids I saw.

The highlight for us was Ryan’s quick recall team. They did a great job and made it to the quarter finals finishing seventh in the state.

Congratulations to Ryan and his team!!!

