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Fishin’ Man


Today I walked down to kill a few minutes casting in the canal. To my surprise, I caught a nice snook. They are a great fish to catch, aggressive fighters. I didn’t measure but 28″ is the minimum. He was probably a little short. I’m catch and release anyway.

On the Beach


Ann’s parents made it here from Texas. Today we went to the beach on Gasparilla Island. Mother especially enjoys the beach. It was a beautiful day. The beach in the picture was built since last year. The hurricane had diminished it three years ago. They have rebuilt about a mile of beach since last January. 

It’s February

February is already here. We have been in Florida for a month. I still haven’t gotten serious about fishing. If I just had some more equipment. Maybe tomorrow!  I’ve extended my cycling distance. Generally 18-24 miles which is a stretch for me. I have hung in at about four miles on my runs, usually every other day. I took the day off today.

Visitors have been a welcome change to our routine. We are looking forward to Ann’s parents arriving Tuesday evening. The weather looks pretty spectacular for the next week. Friday is Ann’s birthday and I am looking froward to celebrating with her. we have two grandchildren with birthdays this week also. Tyler Gabehart and Chase Ezell.  

Teaching a Sunday class has made a significant change in my usual routine. I’m enjoying it though and the participants have been very appreciative and encouraging. I’m looking forward to three more classes before we return home.