Today was spectacular. The temperature was in the upper 70’s and the breeze was light. After we returned from church in Sarasota we took off for the beach. Ann really loves the beach. I enjoy it also but not as much as Ann does. We just sunned and read and listen to the NFL playoff game. It was not crowded at all.
I’m off to a good start in Florida. I’ve ridden my bike a couple of times and it has been enjoyable. One of the advantages of cycling is that you see wildlife occasionally. Yesterday I encountered Armando armadillo. He(?) was feeding along the trail and completely ignored me as I took his picture and tried to engage him in conversation. Only when I grabbed him by his tail did he scramble away.
The other species of wildlife I have encountered is the Tasmanian Fast Scrabble Devil. She is equally unimpressed with me and has drubbed me the last two games. Perhaps grabbing her ???
Tomorrow we return to Geezerville at the Englewood United Methodist Church men’s breakfast. I’m looking forward to discovering new geezerware. I will document any discoveries and post them immediately in case anyone would care to have us pick some up and ship them over night.
It is cold and breezy today. The sun is bright but we are suppose to have record lows by tomorrow morning. I would complain but I looked at the weather back in Kentucky and I don’t think anybody will really care that we going have 30 degree temperatures. However, I may be able to garner some sympathy from the fact that our furnace is not working. Hopefully we will resolve that problem today.
We have not gotten all the furniture back in place. The tile contractor who is suppose to take care of it is not answering my calls (surprise?). I’ve contacted a moving company and perhaps we will get things back in place soon. It not a big problem because we have plenty of living space. It will be a problem if we need the guest bedroom.
We are still adjusting our routines to our Florida mode. It will take a few more days.
We made it to Florida just fine. The weather is warm and the breeze is gentle this morning. Flowers are blooming and the manatees are playing. We spent yesterday afternoon getting the house in order. Still a ways to go but we have plenty of time.
I need to catch up a little on what has been going on. We had a noteable event with Blake losing a tooth. It wasn’t his first but the dentist pulled the first one. Mimi pulled this one and he was proud.
We visited with the Arnett’s and Watson’s in Nashville. Also, we attended the wedding of Sara Black and Brandon Craddock. It was beautiful event in every way.