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On the Road

Ann and I are on I-75 about 181 miles from Valdosta. We have not decided to stop there or drive further today. We will get there about 4:30pm so there is time to get closer to Florida. It will depend on how we feel when we get to Valdosta.

We have had an enjoyable last few days. We have been in Nashville for Sara Black’s wedding. We stayed with Ann’s sister Linda and her husband Jim. They are great hosts and we had good food and visits. We spent some time with Ann’s brother Lawrence and his family as well as the Crockett’s who were also in Nashville for the wedding.

The wedding was wonderful. Sara’s father, Mark, performed the ceremony. It was very personal and touching. I look forward to a time when we will be able to visit with Mark and Margo and catch up on each other’s lives. They are good people.

Santa Made It


Despite my behavior this past year, Santa graciously brought me gifts. I got a satellite radio and some jeans. Mom and Dad Watson sent a very nice shirt and some good books. It is a beautiful cold, sunny day and we are looking forward to a special day.

The Day Before the Day Before

The Gabehart kids have been with us this weekend. We met them in Frankfort yesterday and their parents will be coming to Wilmore this afternoon. Our plan is to have dinner and celebrate Ryan’s 13th birthday. His birth date is the 24th. Another teenager! Congratulations Ryan!

They have been well behaved and I have managed to maintain my dominance in chess. It is only a matter of time until someone dethrones me. The weather is getting pretty raw. Winds are up and the temperature is dropping. Florida is looking better every day.