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Christmas Party

I’m a little late but I wanted to share some of our family Christmas experience. Except for Clark’s family everone was able to be here. Chance brought his girl friend Kristen. We had a nice pizza dinner at the local Hot Stone Pizza restaurant. Afterwards, we went to the Crocketts house where there was all kinds of goodies. We opened presents. The grandkids had a really good time and no one seemed to be disappointed in their gifts. Actually they were very appreciative. We also exchanged “white elephant” gifts. Of course I got the electronic “whoopie cushion”. Then we engaged in the annual karaoke tradition. As has become the custom, Daniel was the star performer. Melissa is challenging his position but has a way to go.

Our day was made even more special since it was Blake’s 8th birthday.

Happy Birthdday Blake



Today is Blake’s 8th birthday. We got a start celebrating yesterday when we when to Blake’s school and had lunch with him. Tanya made cupcakes for his class and we sang happy birthday to Blake. Later that afternoon, Blake’s class had a special Christmas program. Blake had a speaking part and did a great job. He is a neat and funny kid. He lights up the room when he comes around.

He reminds me of Dash from the Incredibles. Blake is really fast.


We have more birthday celebration today. Happy Birthday BLAKE!



Last evening was Meredith ‘s acting debut. She starred as Curly, a sheep, in the children’s Christmas performance at First Alliance Church. She was very nervous about her part but she did a great job. Meredith is a wonderful granddaughter and I am proud to be her Papa.

A First


Ann and I attended the first annual Wilmore Christmas Ball last evening (dressy attire, please). We had a great time. I expected the place to be filled with geezers. Instead, the majority were young couples and students all dressed up and enjoying themselves immensely. Swing dance lessons were offered before hand. Ann and I participated but I’m afraid I may be dyslexic dancer. Music was provided by the Metronomes, a 17 piece big band. They were good but a lot off the music was swing and Latin. Fortunately they played quite a few slow dances so we were able to show our dance skills off. I wanted to dip but Ann would not cooperate. Oh well, my back would have probably gone out and we have ended up in a pile on the dance floor. We were out well past our bedtime but I slept in this morning. I’m a little sore and stiff but it was worth it.

Louisville Today

We came to Louisville this morning for dental appointments. I’m getting a temporary crown (Major investment. At current prices, I should consider bequeathing my dental work when I die. It will probably be worth more than the rest of my estate. I wonder if that can be done?)

I stopped by Okolona Church of Christ and visited with Gary Smith and Mike. Good to see Bob, Larry and Linda. OCC has reached a milestone in their  history. They have hired a full-time custodian/maintenance person.

We’re having dinner with Adam and Emily and then going to our Bible study. It will be late getting back home. It has been a good day so far.