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We visited Andrew Verble at Frazier rehab today. We were able to go to physical therapy with him. (There are no specific visiting hours and you are welcome to join him in therapy if he happens to be there.) He was doing very well. He worked hard at the physical therapy and did well. I am so thankful for answered prayers. I could not ever envision him getting this far. Just goes to show how I still see things from a human view point.

We are going to Wilmore tomorrow. Meredith has her ninth birthday next Tuesday so we will celebrate with her tomorrow. I think we are going to a dog show in the afternoon. I have an assignment to repair some bikes after that.

I got my books packed today and Ann got a lot of pictures boxed. We are gradually getting it done. I think we will have to have a moving sale before we leave. I have decided to drop our land line phone when we move. We will just use our cell phones. Ann and I are migrating to new e-mail addresses. and . There are a lot of small things that have to be done. 

Back at Work

I had the day off from work yesterday but I’m back in the saddle today. It continues to be an interesting and rewarding experience. It is strange to be looking forward to a “three day weekend”.

We are continuing the process of selling and purchasing homes, getting ready to move, discovering all the small, but important things, that need to be done. For example, internet providers, phone service, all of the address revisions, bank accounts, and the list goes on.

I am in the process of notifying everyone that my main e-mail address is changing to from The new e-mail address is active so you can go ahead and  change your address book. I’m going to try AT&T laptop broadband connection for the internet and if that works out we will probably drop our land line telephone and just use our cell phones. We would be getting a new number anyway, so it seems like a good time to make the change.

 We are in the midst of getting prices for work we want to do on our new house. That is fun and I look forward to “fluffing our nest”.

Back at Work

I had the day off from work yesterday but I’m back in the saddle today. It continues to be an interesting and rewarding experience. It is strange to be looking forward to a “three day weekend”.

We are continuing the process of selling and purchasing homes, getting ready to move, discovering all the small, but important things, that need to be done. For example, internet providers, phone service, all of the address revisions, bank accounts, and the list goes on.

I am in the process of notifying everyone that my main e-mail address is changing to from The new e-mail address is active so you can go ahead and  change your address book. I’m going to try AT&T laptop broadband connection for the internet and if that works out we will probably drop our land line telephone and just use our cell phones. We would be getting a new number anyway, so it seems like a good time to make the change.

 We are in the midst of getting prices for work we want to do on our new house. That is fun and I look forward to “fluffing our nest”.

Taking a Ride


TEAM OF TWO. Yesterday, Mike and I successfully completed our 35+ mile Tour de  Cure bike ride for the American Diabetes Association. It was a great work out. The weather was not as bad as I had anticipated but it was hot enough. THANKS to all of you who helped raise nearly $600 for the cause. If you were skeptical about whether or not I would be able to complete the ride, it not too late to donate to the ADA.

Thanks to Mike for joining me and all the encouragement he brings to my life.

The Finger

Ann’s surgery was successful. They removed what was described as a large cell tumor (benign). She will see the doctor in 2 weeks. I expect she will be limited for a day or so and then she can do what ever she is able with a bandaged finger. I am trying hard to be a good nurse. It is good thing I have a self-sufficient patient.