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This Week

Tomorrow Ann has surgery on her finger. Since it is her right hand, I expect she will be somewhat limited for a while. I have a MRI on my back Wednesday. The doctor didn’t find anything from x-rays. I am pretty uncomfortable when I sit for a prolonged time. Hopefully the MRI will give some idea what I can expect and what kind of treatment is needed. I’m biking the Tour de Cure on Saturday. It is 35 miles which is the longest I’ve done. Tanya’s kids will be with us Friday to Sunday. It will be a busy week.

We are continuing to get ready to move to Wilmore. It looks like we’ll be gone by Oct. 1. I’m looking forward to getting there. We have a trip to Memphis and St.Louis planned in late September. We will see Scott and Allison and visit our friends from Kansas City in StL. Hopefully the weather will cool off by then.

Back Yard Peril


This evening after I went for a run I went outside and sat on the backyard swing to cool off.  As I sat there I noticed a skunk waddling my way from two houses down. I sat quietly and he/she came right up to where I was sitting. He was three feet away and never let on if he saw me. He continued to graze around the yard until I made some noises and he scampered off into the bushes next door. My neighbor next door has put out some repellent to keep skunks out of his yard. I guess it must be working because the skunk walked though his yard and didn’t stop.

Is there no safe place?

Attendance Up

This morning there were four of us at coffee. Usually it is Adam and I. Keith comes regularly. Walker joined us this morning to make a foursome. I would say that makes us an “official” small group.  I just don’t know if attendance drops off if we would lose our official status. I think that if we have four or more every once in while we should be considered official all the time.


(written  8/1)

Hazy Hot Humid. It must be August.

I continue to enjoy my work experience at U of L. It is interesting and I staying busy. We are expecting Isaac, Jenny, Josiah, Terzah, and Derbe today. It will be great to have a visit and catch up on what is going in their lives. They are an inspiration to me. We plan to get together with our old small group Friday evening.

Issac and Jenny left on Saturday. Here is a picture of the kids. They are adorable.



It is good to have guests in our home. Isaac, Jenny, Josiah, Terzah & Derbe are with us and we are having a great time. The kids are really good and seem to enjoy our company. Ann, as always, is a great hostess. I just take credit.

Isaac continues to encourage me with his insightful observations. Coffee with he and Adam this morning was good. We are getting together with others tonight for dinner at Keith and Ginny Brooks.

Tanya was with us also. She and Blake and Grayson are going to camp today to pick up Jerod and Meredith. I’m sure they will have some interesting stories. The Gabeharts are going camping. Looks like it will be a quiet but very hot weekend.