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Catching Up

It has been several days since I have posted and there are several things I want to share from our trip so far. We spent Friday night at my Aunt Imogene’s. The highlight of the evening was the AMAZING CORNDOG. Jerry’s dog, Lucy loves fresh corn. She will go into the garden and pull an ear, shuck it and eat the kernals. There appears to be no end to her appetite.


Saturday morning we had breakfast and headed to Destin Florida. Everyone made it safely and we are enjoying our stay. Saturday was Jerod’s birthday so we got to celebrate with him. Our van has a problem which is yet to be diagnosed. It could be fatal. I’ll hear tomorrow. The beach is spectacularly beautiful. Sunday morning we had a charter fishing trip planned. We got up at 5:00am and headed out at 6:00am but the seas were so rough that we came back in and re-scheduled for Friday am. I was disappointed because Carter and Lori will be leaving Tuesday and they were planning on fishing. Most of our days have been at the beach. The kids are doing really well and having a great time. This is prime vacation time here so there are lots of people and traffic. Here are some pictures:






It is a beautiful cool morning as I sit outside on the Arnett’s patio. I have enjoyed the time here. Especially visiting with friends and relatives. What lectures we attended have been good. Lipscomb University is in the midst of a major construction project but the campus is beautiful despite that distraction. Today we are traveling to Alabama and a visit with Aunt Imogene, Jerry and Kelsey.

Crossroads Missions


We are now “officially” working with Crossroads Missions. My title is Planning Coordinator. Ann and I will be working with the teams to develop plans and methods that will assist them in achieving their goals more efficiently and  effectively. We will not be available full time until after I complete the temporary work at U of L (still haven’t heard definitely about that).

We are mostly packed to leave for Florida with a few days in Nashville before we arrive on Saturday. I expect to take in some lectures at Lipscomb University Wed – Friday. I’m looking forward to visiting with family.

Happy Birthday Kyle


Today is Kyle Robert Gabehart’s 11th birthday. He is the second child of Melissa and Byron. He is a fun loving kid who is growing up fast. He has a serious side and is good thinker. I am proud that he is my grandson. I am looking forward to celebrating his birthday with the family while we are in Florida. Congratulations KYLE!

Marksman in the Making


dsc07823.JPGWe traveled to Wilmore with Clark and Vanessa to take a dining table and chairs to the Crocketts. We had a nice visit. Daniel, Jerod, Clark and I went to shoot an antique German army sidearm at a local range. I have not done much shooting but I made a decent showing. Jerod was a little reluctant to shoot but he stepped up and did very well. He certainly was better than his Papa. Daniel is quite knowledgable about guns and is a good shooter. Clark is also.

Besides a nice visit over dinner at Panera Bread, we were able to take in the latest tourist attraction in Wilmore. I will not take the time to relate the story behind it but will leave it to your imagination. 
