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A Stained Beauty – Sexual Abuse – Epidemic or Misinformation?

The previous post introduced what I believe is a stain on the beauty of the church —sexual abuse. I characterized sexual abuse as present and prevalent in the church. Understanding how that assertion is, at the very least, debatable and for many unacceptable disinformation; this post provides some information to support my conclusion.

Both my critique and Stunbo’s, are swimming upstream against an abstract and idealistic image of the church that prevails in western Christianity. An image disconnected from the Body of Christ but none the less sacred; highly resistant to question or critique, and protected at all costs. Understanding how those images differ is critical to addressing tsexual abuse in the church and will be examined in future posts.

I am aware exposing the presence of sexual abuse will not in itself create positive change… change requires examination of the theological and cultural reasons that enable abuse to thrive and victims to be ignored and/or diminished in churches. To begin that process, a painful look at factual information is necessary. That being said, what follows is an attempt to provide some credible evidence that sexual abuse has been and continues to be present and prevalent in the church—all churches.

Oh yeah, that’s the Catholic Church.
Non-Catholic Christians hearing stories of sexual abuse in the church are often inclined to respond with with sympathy assuming sexual abuse is a Catholic Church problem, offering thanks that their church is not like that. Echoing the rich man’s prayer, “Thank God, I’m not like…” we discount the possibility of a beam in our own eye.

I am of the opinion the Catholic Church scandal should have been a red flag for all churches. At the very least, their experience should be an opportunity for understanding the nature of sexual abuse in the church.
The depth an breath of sexual abuse as well as the coverup and corruption that accompanied is staggering.

In 2021, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) reported 4,228 child sexual abuse allegations. These allegations were filed by 3,924 abuse survivors from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. The incidents involved more than 2,700 individual clergy members from across the country.

The Boston Globe’s series on Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church was the subject of an award winning film, “Spotlight.” If you have not seen the film, I highly recommend it.

Wikipedia provides an in-depth article that is more comprehensive and reaches worldwide. The information is difficult to read and produces an impulse to say— “that couldn’t happen in our church.”

Some critics have stated that the oversaturation of Church sex abuse stories has led to the perception that the Catholic Church is more rife with pedophilia than in reality. A The Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll found that 64 percent of those queried thought Catholic priests “frequently” abused children; however, there is no data that indicates that priests commit abuse more often than the general population of males.

That fact is not particularly comforting, but the following is more disturbing:

A report which Christian Ministry Resources (CMR) released in 2002 stated that contrary to popular opinion, there are more allegations of child sexual abuse in Protestant congregations than there are in Catholic ones, and that sexual violence is most often committed by volunteers rather than by priests. 

OH, NO! It’s not just the Catholic Church!

Church of Christ
My personal experience with sexual abuse in the church predates the Catholic Church scandal. In the early 90’s I learned a former preacher at our congregation was a sexual predator. In wake of that revelation and some coincidental events, the subject of sexual abuse in Churches of Christ became public. See:

Southern Baptist
20 years, 700 victims- Southern Baptist sexual abuse spreads as leaders resist reforms – Houston Chronicle 
…since 1998, roughly 380 Southern Baptist church leaders and volunteers have faced allegations of sexual misconduct, the newspapers found. That includes those who were convicted, credibly accused and successfully sued, and those who confessed or resigned. More of them worked in Texas than in any other state.
They left behind more than 700 victims, many of them shunned by their churches, left to themselves to rebuild their lives. Some were urged to forgive their abusers or to get abortions.
About 220 offenders have been convicted or took plea deals, and dozens of cases are pending. They were pastors. Ministers. Youth pastors. Sunday school teachers. Deacons. Church volunteers.
Read the entire Houston Chronicle Series HERE

Christian and Missionary Alliance
Ravi Zacharias was best known for the apologetics ministry that bears his name, but he spent his 46-year career licensed as a national evangelist with the Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA). The denomination has now revoked the ordination of its highest-profile minister after its own limited investigation confirmed a “pattern of predatory behavior.”
Lori Anne Thompson, a victim of Zacharias has a website devoted to the problem of sexual abuse in the church and is a helpful resource.


So many Christian churches in the United States do so much good — nourishing the soul, comforting the sick, providing services, counseling congregants, teaching Jesus’s example, and even working to fight sexual abuse and harassment. But like in any community of faith, there is also sin — often silenced, ignored and denied — and it is much more common than many want to believe. It has often led to failures by evangelicals to report sexual abuse, respond appropriately to victims and change the institutional cultures that enabled the abuse in the first place.
The Epidemic of denial about sexual abuse in the evangelical Church- The Washington Post

I am not aware of any church exempt from the problem of sexual abuse. What is presented is only a small sample of information available about sexual abuse in the church. If you have taken the time to dive deeper, I am sure it has been overwhelming and discouraging, all the more reason the problem must be acknowledged and addressed. What is needed is individual and institutional courage, a courage Lori Anne Thompson describes as as rare as sexual abuse is ubiquitous. Clergy Sexual Abuse as a Betrayal Trauma: Institutional Betrayal & a Call for Courageous Response

“It is isolating and heartbreaking to sit in a church service where sexual abuse is being minimized,” Denhollander says. “The damage done [by abuse] is so deep and so devastating, and a survivor so desperately needs refuge and security. The question an abuse survivor is asking is ‘Am I safe?’ and ‘Do I matter?’ And when those in authority mishandle this conversation, it sends a message of no to both questions.”

The Epidemic of denial about sexual abuse in the evangelical Church- The Washington Post

Yes, there is an epidemic. (No masks required, just remove the blinders)


So Much To Think About

Energizer Bunny
GILBERT, Ariz. (AP) — As Forrest Gump in the Oscar-winning 1994 film of the same name, lead actor Tom Hanks abruptly trots to a halt after more than three years of nonstop running and tells his followers: “I’m pretty tired — I think I’ll go home now.”
Jacky Hunt-Broersma can relate. On Thursday, the amputee athlete achieved her goal of running 102 marathons in as many days, setting an unofficial women’s world record.
And she can’t stop/won’t stop, saying she’ll run two more for good measure and wrap up her challenge on Saturday with 104. “I might as well end April with a marathon,” she told The Associated Press.

postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD)
cognitive problems associated with surgery that persist well after the effects of anaesthetics have worn off. “At the moment, estimates suggest that the overall incidence of POCD in older patients can be as high as 50-80% at discharge, 20-50% at six weeks and 10-30% at six months post-surgery. 

Bradford Pear competition
A stinky but handsome and widely popular landscape tree has become an aggressive invader.
Callery pear trees create dense thickets that overwhelm native plants and bear four-inch spikes that can flatten tractor tires. The stench wafting from their blossoms has been compared to rotting fish, chlorine or a cheese sandwich left in a car for a week.

White Huse Correspondents Dinner
President Biden
— “Look, I know this is a tough town. I came to office with an ambitious agenda and I expected it to face stiff opposition in the Senate. I just hoped it would be from Republicans.”
— “Republicans seem to support one fella: some guy named Brandon. He’s having a really good year.”

Thoughts about sin
The absence of sin isn’t the same thing as righteousness. Righteousness is a fullness and a presence. Sin itself is an emptiness and has the character of non-being. The spiritual life is fulfilled in righteousness – true rightness of being – living in the image of God.
Fr Stephen Freeman

The moral and ethical standards of the Early Church
…were not based upon a laundry list of the deficiencies of secular society, but on the example and teaching of Christ and how that was made real or incarnate in the life of the Church.  It was not a legislated morality.  It was a lived morality.  The measure was not an abstract view of society or the body politic of the empire.  The measure was the person of Christ.  For the Early Church the Christian cosmos was two-fold.  It extended far beyond the borders of empire to the furthest extent of creation, while at the same time the entirety of that Christian cosmos could be found in the smallest gathering of believers in the most insignificant village.  It was dependent not on power or influence.  It was dependent on presence… the presence of Christ.
Duane Arnold Phoenix Preacher

Self Aware
It’s in confronting the worst aspects of ourselves and being open about them that we find growth and help inspire growth in others.
Mark Manson

About 3 in 10 Americans claim no religious affiliation, according to data from the Pew Research Center, and a similar number say religion has little influence in their life. Only a third of Americans attend church regularly, according to Pew. But only 4% identify as atheists. And many unaffiliated Americans have spiritual beliefs, according to Pew, even if they eschew organized religion.

View from the Front Porch
Living on life support
Life support replaces or supports a failing bodily function. When patients have curable or treatable conditions, life support is used temporarily until the illness or disease can be stabilized and the body can resume normal functioning.

With the recent addition of a pacemaker, it occurred to me that I very much living on life support. At first that was a bit frightening. “He’s on life support.” is not something you want to hear. Probably not all that unusual for 80 but reality is there are probably a half-dozen meds, devices etc which removed would put my life in jeopardy.
I am finding it comforting to know I’m on life support.


A new (updated) heart

Some may be pleased to learn that my heart has a been updated. Over the last month or so, I had been experiencing low heart rates. Additionally, there was lethargy, some cognition problems (brain fog), lack of motivation and generally feeling out of sorts. I am sure my disposition was affected also (check with Ann). In recent days the low heart rate became more consistent (low 30’s) and I was feeling worse. As a result, Monday Ann drove me to the ER and to make the story short, I received a pacemaker Tuesday.

As I write this post, I am awaiting discharge. The implant experience was a breeze and the results are pretty amazing thus far. I was able receive a micro lead-less pacemaker, the implant was minimally invasive and provides easier recovery. Three days rest, no heavy lifting for a week. Best of all my heart rate is normal and consistent. I am definitely feeling better overall and hopefully that will continue to improve.

Whether or not the low heart rate accounts for all my symptoms remains to be seen. I suspect some effects remain from my medical trauma last August. No matter what, I am grateful for the pacemaker and the immediate improvements. Indeed my aging heart has been updated.

Thanks be to God, for answered prayers. I am thankful for the many messages and well wishes.

Will Rogers had it right: “One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.
Right now, it’s pretty splendid.


So Much To Think About

No, I’m not a celebrity, but I do experience the temptation to think and act like one.
I see the dangers for others and myself. I know that success is a dangerous basis for self-esteem and a poor source for identity. It is unhealthy to think that productivity and ministry are the same thing. It is selfish to invest more time in your platforms rather than in the people who need you.
In my own head, I’m a celebrity, so how do I get outta here? How do I think and act like Christ’s servant and not like a guy who is destined to end up on Preachers in Sneakers?
Mike Bird

…if you think that most-partisan cohort is seething with anger because they suffer from painful oppression, think again. The data is clear. As the More in Common project notes, the most polarized Americans are disproportionately white and college-educated on the left and disproportionately white and retired on the right. 
The people disproportionately driving polarization in the United States are not oppressed minorities, but rather some of the most powerful, most privileged, wealthiest people who’ve ever lived. They enjoy more freedom and opportunity than virtually any prior generation of humans, all while living under the protective umbrella of the most powerful military in the history of the planet.
It’s simply an astonishing level of discontent in the midst of astonishing wealth and power.
David French

Death and Resurrection
I believe that Christians make a serious mistake when we begin to speak first about God rather than first about Christ and His death on the Cross and resurrection from the dead. It is a mistake because it presumes we know something about God that is somehow “prior” to those events. We do not, or, if we think we do, we are mistaken. The death and resurrection of Christ are the alpha and the omega of God’s self-revelation to the world. Nothing in all of creation is extraneous or irrelevant to those events.
This is to say that unbelief and faith are equally a part of the death and resurrection of Christ. The death and resurrection of Christ contain the utter and complete emptiness of hell, the threat of non-being and meaninglessness, the absurdity of suffering and of injured innocence. They also contain the fullness of paradise, the complete joy of existence and the ecstasy of transcendent love. Everything is there.
Fr Stephen Freeman

Price control
“…dollar prices are like the news. They tell you about something; they aren’t the thing itself. If we don’t like what we read in the news, changing the words on the page to say something better is just propaganda. And because falsified news, like a price control, isn’t truthful, it leads people to make bad decisions, damaging to them and to others. Ultimately, the only way to change news we don’t like is to get at what is causing the unpleasantness in the first place. In the case of runaway inflation, that cause is irresponsible management of the money supply.”
For Law & Liberty, Catherine Ruth Pakaluk

The gospel is complete in and of itself. It is the perfect offering of the love of God for us. Though it is complete, it must be extended, and it must be extended with the same character with which it was first given. I am becoming more and more convinced that we can tell people about Jesus all day long and still not extend the gospel. Why? Because the gospel is more than simply telling people about Jesus. The gospel is more than an explanation about Jesus. It is a demonstration of Jesus. In fact, if you have to make a choice between telling someone about Jesus and showing them Jesus, you should probably do the latter. Why? Because someone may not remember what you said, but he or she will never forget what you did.
We’ve all heard the apocryphal quote oft attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, “Preach the gospel everywhere. If necessary use words.” Can we be honest? People tend to like this because they would rather avoid the awkwardness of talking about Jesus. Permit me a moment of unvarnished keeping-it-real truth-telling. The nature and character of the gospel do not tend to come through the deeds of a person who does not want to talk about Jesus. (And because I know I will be hearing from my dad about my use of the term “apocryphal,” I’ll get out in front of that by saying apocryphal means Saint Francis didn’t say it. For crying out loud, Saint Francis preached the Gospel to animals—with words!)

In summary, to share the gospel is a fully embodied act of ordinary yet supernatural love for other people. It involves our words, our deeds, our dispositions, and our overall posture and bearing toward other people. It means “I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church” (Col. 1:24b NRSV).
When we truly share the gospel, it always comes at a cost to ourselves, and yet it always makes us more than we were before. This is the why the power of the gospel is found only in the way of the cross.
J D Walt

The Problem with Faith
Elie Wiesel once said, “If I had not had faith, my life would have been much easier.” Faith in God, “faith in a faith” as it were, complicates evil because it begs for explanation in a world created, sustained, and overseen by a God who is good.
“Perhaps you are not looking for answers. You are looking for responses to your questions, to your life, for ways to live rather than ideas to espouse. Answers close things down; responses do not.”  Witness: Lessons from Elie Wiesel’s Classroom.

College admission essays
 It’s not fair for us to ask teenagers to describe their personalities. Teenagers are endearing but ridiculous people who can barely heat up a cup of ramen noodles and whose brains won’t be fully formed for two more presidential terms. Any teenager who is asked to describe themselves and doesn’t say, “I am scared and confused and my hormones have sort of turned me into a werewolf,” is lying.
Obviously, parents are writing many of these essays. Incredibly, many applications include the pointless step of making students check a box to verify that the application contains their own work, which is a verification system so ineffective that it makes the “I am 18” buttons on adult websites seem like the security at a Swiss bank.
College essays are arbitrary—exactly what’s being measured or why is unclear. They’re gameable—much like a pinewood derby car, many of the best ones are made by parents. They seem to benefit the wealthy—not every family can shell out big money to punch up an essay through a concerted program of expert tutelage and not-so-subtle negging. Say what you will about the SAT: The kid has to actually fill in the bubbles. They can’t take the test home and get help from Mom, Dad, teachers, the internet, and a gaggle of advisors that would seem excessive for a medieval child monarch.  

From 0.01% to 0.o0000.1%

You’ve come a long way baby!
Girls are now outperforming boys at nearly every level of education. They earn 60 percent of bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and comprise 70 percent of high school valedictorians. Women are also dominating many workplaces. Women today hold a majority of the nation’s jobs, including 51.4 percent of managerial and professional jobs—up from 26.1 percent in 1980. They make up 54 percent of all accountants and hold about half of all banking and insurance jobs. As for men, they are dropping out at alarming rates. More prime age males are out of the labor force today than during the Great Depression.


A Stained Beauty

‘They will live in safety and no one will make them afraid.”

Ezekiel 34:28b NIV

This post is the first in a series about sexual abuse in the church. Abuse in the church can take many forms, the focus of these posts is sexual abuse. As a witness and a victim of the collateral damage sexual abuse inflicts wherever it is present, I am compelled to shine light on a dark truth that stains the Body of Christ.

These posts are coincidental to the current series of sermons at my church entitled “A Stained Beauty” , based on John Stumbo’s book “A Stained Beauty”. While “A Stained Beauty”does not address sexual abuse directly, its premise that the church is vulnerable and stained provides good opportunity to examine the interminable legacy of sexual abuse in the church.

Like many Christians today, I believe the church is headed in the wrong direction.  For that reason, I applaud the challenge of “A Stained Beauty”. I love the Body of Christ and am convinced of its centrality and essentiality in the Kingdom of God. Assuming the church is headed in the wrong direction. a vital question is: “… by what criterion are we to judge that the church is now headed in the wrong direction?” Stains revealed by Stumbo are important and helpful criterion.

I suggest the presence of sexual abuse is the clearest and most compelling evidence that the church is headed in the wrong direction; negating the Church’s witness in the world. Recognizing the reality of sexual abuse in the church inherently necessitates examination of one’s theology, ecclesiology, understandings of sin, gospel, salvation, redemption, forgiveness. Most likely a reason sexual abuse is not a topic of conversation in most churches.

An equally important question is, “How do we know the Church is headed in the right direction?” John Stumbo in his conclusion says,
“…when the church gets it right—and she often does—there are fewer lonely, hungry, thirsty, sick, abused, marginalized, forgotten people in this world. More of everything that makes life better becomes available from our neighborhoods to the nations and to the nations that have come to our neighborhoods, when the church does church well.”

…The Church is headed in the right direction when, whatever the age in which it lives, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is its criterion, the Gospel which Christ proclaimed and to which the church and the apostles witnessed. The church did not come about of itself. God himself called it into being as the Ecclesia, the body of those who answered the call, and this he did in the world, from among mankind. 

Hans Kung – THE CHURCH

The presence and prevalence of sexual abuse in the church is an unambiguous indication of the direction the church is headed. Grappling with sexual abuse in the church may well prove to be a catalyst for a much need course correction.

Sexual abuse in the church and in other contexts has been painful part of my life for decades. This series does not reflect direct knowledge of sexual abuse in my current church, but I have little confidence that there isn’t or hasn’t been in the past. There no reason to think any church is exempt. The legacy of sexual abuse is interminable. It is my hope that truth will bring freedom and healing.

Next: Sexual Abuse in the Church— Epidemic — Endemic or Disinformation ?

What looks like a serious crisis may mark the moment of new life; what looks a sinister threat may in reality be a great opportunity.