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Intersections- Lament

This post continues a series entitled intersections. As I reflect on my life’s journey, various intersections along the way come to mind. My ambition was for a straight and narrow path. but,  that’s not how life goes.

In the months that have followed our grandson’s suicide, the subject of lament has dominated  much of my thinking.  It is reasonable to anticipate an encounter with lament in the midst of such a tragedy.  Our grief was saturated with expressions of lament at a depth we had never experienced before. However,  my primary motive for continued inquiry comes not so much from experiencing  lament, but, the absence of lament. 

In a post entitled  “Intersections – Grief”, I wrote this paragraph:

Hopeful of some mystical elixir that would heal my grief, I attended church the following Sunday. What I encountered in worship was revealing. I did not experience comfort. The songs and music were offensive. The atmosphere of jubilance was hollow. Instead of feeling the embrace of community, I felt very alone and isolated. 

I was deeply disappointed. I needed and hoped to receive solace, but departed with unrequited grief. The worship presentation was not unusual in any discernible way. An ordinary Sunday morning worship experience became inexplicably alien. As always, I was nagged by the question, why?

Perhaps, grief had impacted the chords of my heart in such a way that what had previously been  harmonious was suddenly discordant. Certainly the tragic and unexpected circumstances of our grief was unprecedented for us. What I have come to conclude is, that, in fact, that Sunday worship was ordinary. It was worship as expected, even more than expected, required.  What became apparent that morning was the prevalence of a culture of celebration. My grief filtered out, what would have, on any other Sunday, been an encouraging, affirming experience. I was left with silence. There was no place for lament that my soul desperately needed. 

Those who live in celebration “are concerned with questions of proper management and joyous celebration .” Instead of deliverance, they seek constancy and sustainability. “The well-off do not expect their faith to begin in a cry, but rather, in a song. They do not expect or need intrusion, but they rejoice in stability [and the] durability of a world and social order that have been beneficial to them.” Praise is the language of celebration. Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubled Times

My initial response was to minimize the issue and rationalize the absence of  lament. However, as I began to read and study on the subject of lament, I found I was not alone in my concern.  Numerous writings by scholars and theologians over centuries of Christian history have grappled with lament and its role in in the faith of the individual and community. 

Richard Beck, writing in reference to Emmanuel Kant’s views on lament presents a challenging critique of lament in Christian culture:

If you live with a view of God that guarantees that your faith and virtue will be rewarded then, for Kant, your faith is simply self-interest. Again, virtue cannot exist for Kant if the outcome is guaranteed. If reward and eternal bliss are sure bets, well, can you really be praised for taking a non-existent risk? 

This is really a profound critique of much of what is happening in Christian culture. For example, many have lamented (no pun intended) the excessive praise-orientation in much of popular Christian worship. Much of Christianity is triumphalistic. Health and wealth visions of the gospel are also very popular. By being a Christian we can get Our Best Life Now!
We often see these trends as symptoms of superficiality. But Kant’s critique hits harder. It is not just that these forms of Christianity are emotionally shallow. Kant shows that these praise-dominated faith systems are void of all authenticity. For when the links between virtue and happiness are fully in hand faith demands nothing of us. Religion reduces to expressions of human self-interest and selfish calculation. Kant calls this idolatry.
The flip side of the equation is that true authenticity is found in a faith full of lament. It’s not just that lament is emotionally “deeper” or more “real” than the emotions of praise. Rather, lament is expressed in the face of evil, in a world where the links between virtue and happiness have broken down. Thus, to have faith or to act with virtue in a world of lament calls upon something more than self-interest. Faith and virtue have no guarantees in the experience of lament. Thus, for Kant, only faith and virtue expressed from lament are truly authentic.

Thinking about the assertion that “true authenticity is found in a faith full of  lament”, I would suggest that what the worship I experienced that Sunday morning was at its core, inauthentic. My conclusion is not a judgement based on the motives or hearts of the participants. Rather, it comes from the reality that many, if not most, of the hearts of those present on any given Sunday are broken or wounded and need to voice their complaint to a God who cares. To the extent that is true, worship without lament will be inauthentic.

If you dwell excessively in the world of Psalm 1 and never live in the world of lament can you be living an authentic Christian life?

I feel if I have only touched the tip of the lament iceberg . More to come.

The Front Porch

One of the most enjoyable aspects of our current home is the front porch. It is where I spend as much time as reasonable, weather permitting. It is my thin place.

Thin places are places of energy. A place where the veil between this world and the eternal world is thin. A thin place is where one can walk in two worlds – the worlds are fused together, knitted loosely where the differences can be discerned or tightly where the two worlds become one.

It is a venue that encourages reading, reflection, relaxation and observation. Opportunities for interaction and engagement with neighbors and others abound.

Coincidental to our location, numerous people walk down our street just a few feet from the porch. Over the years, it has become my habit to greet everyone or at least attempt to do so. Those encounters have produced varying degrees of relationship, ranging from casual greetings to extended conversations and some friendships. The demographic of those who pass by … age, gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic and religion is amazingly varied. 

Additionally, our porch provides a wide view of our neighborhood. The coming and going, the routines and rhythms, traumas and joys are readily visible and, I might add, audible. As a result, I have a familiarity with my neighborhood that would not otherwise be possible. 

Beyond pedestrian traffic and neighborhood activity, there is also vehicular traffic. In recent years street patterns changed resulting in a significant increase in traffic. The demographic of vehicles is as broad as the people who walk by. Cars, trucks, vans, bicycles, strollers, skateboards, segways and handicap scooters. As with the neighborhood, observation of the vehicle traffic provides insight into the realities of people’s lives. (I would say that my ability/desire to develop relationships with people who drive by has been impeded by their propensity to ignore speed limits.) 🙂  The varied conditions of vehicles and their owners dramatically illustrates the existence of the increasing income gap in today’s society. From the vantage point of my porch I am able to see a microcosm of society in our community.  

Over the years, I have come to realize how important the front porch is to my spiritual health. I suspect, in the absence of the thin place of my front porch, my spiritual transformation would be significantly different, and not for the better. 

A front porch is not the answer, but it is a perpetual reminder of the reality of the world in which I live and the pressing need for hope and redemption. Front porches provide questions. Questions so profound and perplexing, that I am humbled and forced to abandon self-sufficiency for submission. 

Intersections – Racial Reconciliation & Social Justice

This post continues a series entitled intersections. As I reflect on my life’s journey, various intersections along the way come to mind. My ambition was for a straight and narrow path. but,  that’s not how life goes.

The most recent intersection on my journey has been  an engagement with  racial reconciliation and social justice. In the fall of  2017, following some disturbing national events centered around racial conflicts, several couples and a few individuals at our church concerned about racial unrest  initiated meetings to provide opportunity for conversations about racism. The subject of racism had not been  a regular topic, with the exception of  an occasional recognition that it is a sin.  The initial meetings were tense and somewhat awkward. For some attendees, the most pressing question seemed to be: “Why are we talking about this?” 

Subsequent to a couple of general meetings at church, there was an open invitation to participate in further conversation at a member’s home. I decided to participate. For more than a year, I have continued to participate in regular conversations, read numerous books and articles and been challenged in ways that I never anticipated. 

My understandings and perceptions of racism, racial reconciliation and social justice have been profoundly altered. I have no illusion that my education is adequate and certainly not complete. It is my intention to continue learning. The prescription of the lens through which I view the world has changed and I believe provides better clarity. 

It is my intention to write about what has changed for me, and why, in subsequent posts. 

To conclude this post, I want to explain why I decided to join a conversation on  racism and racial reconciliation.  

The primary and most naive and misguided reason: I was confident that I could contribute in a positive way toward making progress in improving racism and racial reconciliation. At 76 years of age, with decades of experience and wisdom from leadership responsibilities in business and church, I would be a valuable asset.

I was concerned that the church has been mostly silent about racial issues, and the demographics of our congregation did not reflect a diversity consistent with the kingdom of God. 

I believed there were significant changes happening in our society that were impacting racial relations in a negative way.

Foremost, was the influence of my granddaughter, Meredith. A passionate social justice advocate, she has challenged me at every turn. Relentlessly confronting me with the inconsistencies and injustices in my own life and in society, I  could not ignore what had become painfully obvious.

Over the course of the past year+, I have come to understand the truth of Timothy Tyson’s assertion:

“We cannot address the place we find ourselves because we will not acknowledge the road that brought us here.”   Tyson, Timothy B.. Blood Done Sign My Name (p. 311)

I have made progress in understanding and acknowledging the road that has brought me to where I am today. It is my hope that I will now find the will and courage to act.

With each post, I plan to provide some reference material should my readers want to pursue the subject further. For this post, I am including Whiteness 101, an article that was extremely challenging to read and, perhaps, for some ended any further conversation.


My favorite blogger Richard Beck wrote today on mystery in his faith journey. His words resonated deeply with my own experience and current understanding.


Mystery can be a ticklish business. I would say that, for most of my life, I always felt that an appeal to mystery was a cop-out, a way of ignoring the question and shutting down the conversation. The answer Quia–“Just because”–can be infuriating.

And yet, here on the other side of my middle age, I’m starting to appreciate mystery more and more. I think in my younger years I gave reason too much credit. There are things I know and believe about God that I simply cannot articulate. Words, literally, fail me. Poetry gets a little closer, but not much. My faith is growing more mystical as the years pass. And that has been a great grace.

Stakes & Boundaries

In a conversation following my blog post A Stake in the Ground, the subject of boundaries came up.It has occurred to me that my ideas about driving stakes could be interpreted as  a rejection of boundaries or, at the very least, some equivalency. That was not my intention, but the subject is worthy of some clarification. 


Let me begin with stakes in the ground.My definition of driving a stake in the ground is the occasion when an issue, principle, rule, law , belief is inviolable. There is no room for compromise, much less discussion. Negotiation is out of the question. Hopefully, it is obvious that driving a stake is a  decision of last resort. Although I believe there are circumstances where driving a stake is appropriate, the consequences of choosing that option  are so profound  its application should be exceedingly rare.As I noted in my earlier post, that is not the case in our today’s society. 

At this point, we could discuss underlying causes for the current state of our society, but that is beyond the scope of this post.  In my opinion, the prevailing  attitude for many people today is their belief that  driving stakes in the ground is  the best/only solution to controversy or disagreement. It is a desperate effort to overcome our fear  of losing what  we value most. 

Driving a stake in the ground reveals what is of the highest value for us. If, our reason for driving a stake is a truly preeminent value,  then we  should expect to be praised as courageous and heroic. Unfortunately, most occasions where I choose to drive a stake in the ground, I was not courageous  or heroic, mostly a damned fool. Though it is ultimately of little consolation, I am thankful that my foolishness dims in the light of the idiocy that prevails in a society where our sense of value has been so distorted, that all most any thing is worth driving a stake in the ground. You don’t have to go much further than social media to confirm my assertion.

As I concluded in my previous post, the essential qualities prerequisite to using  this weapon of last resort are wisdom and discernment. Problem solved! (I wish)


Disclaimer : the following is written without  academic  confidence and relies upon my limited understandings and experience.  Proceed at your own risk. ( it just occurred to me I should have probably posted  that disclaimer on the home page of my blog a long time ago. My apologies.)

Boundary- definition:  a real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit of something

Boundaries are essential to our very existence , not to mention the quality of our lives. Without them we would not survive. Boundaries define us as a person, define our property and they establish limits which  serve to  preserve and protect us. Understanding  and properly applying   boundaries is as much a learned skill as it is an inherited trait. One of the most challenging aspects of  living emotionally and physically healthy lives is defining and maintaining boundaries. 

The difference between boundaries and stakes in the ground, as I am referring to them, is that boundaries are permeable, stakes are not. We own and control  and have responsibility for boundaries we establish. We can choose how permeable or  impenetrable we want them to be. 

Choosing between permeable and impenetrable  boundaries requires the same qualities essential to knowing  when and where to drive a stake in the ground, namely, wisdom and discernment. 

When we choose to drive a stake in the ground rather than  establish permeable boundaries, we are choosing a nuclear option. Once that missile is launched we have ceded control.When  others choose the same option the result is mutually assured destruction. Gridlock prevails. Survival of the fittest comes to mind.  To state it another way, driving a stake in the ground is the weaponization of a boundary.

 In summary. The objective of this post is to clarify the relationship of  driving a stake in the ground to establishing boundaries. They are two sides of the same coin. In either case, wisdom and discernment are required in order to successfully navigate our life’s journey. One is an indispensable tool, the other is nitroglycerin, perfect for demolition but must be handled with extreme care.

Succeeding posts will focus on Jesus’ ministry and his teachings on driving stakes in the ground.